Tragically somewhere along the way, we’ve falsely believed the lie that if they see the real me they won’t like me, let alone love me. How did this happen?
Probably because it’s happened before. We let people in and they didn’t love us anyway.
Here is what I’m learning though. If we keep living in fear of being known we will keep living lonely.
So what if we insert the grace of love here instead?
As our first and forever best friend, God loves us anyway. He extends us grace because He knows more than anyone else possibly could about us – the good, the bad and the ugly and still loves us anyway. Remember, while we were still sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)? Yes, He knows and yet loves.
So today I challenge us to love anyway. Let’s celebrate our sisters in Christ. Tag a sister in the comments who has loved you anyway.
You can read the full article by visiting https://chelseydematteis.com/…/summer-of-sisterhood…