
Becoming the Hands & Feet of Jesus By Bridget Goodwin

by | Apr 25, 2024 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

True faith is giving love, and giving love is being the hands and feet of Jesus.

The hands of Jesus reached out in love to the sick, the blind, and the tormented and broke bread to feed the five thousand. These working hands, which touched the lives of many, reached the whole world at the ultimate price of love. They became pierced on the cross, dripping with blood for our redemption. 

The feet of Jesus walked many miles. It has been speculated His feet walked over 3,125 miles during His ministry. His love drove him to places abandoned by the upright High Priests and Pharisees. Many bypassed Samaria to travel to Jerusalem, but not Jesus. He had a purpose: to save the unwanted and the outcasts. Mary, a woman and a sinner from the city, found the feet of the Master at the house of a Pharisee. Jesus’ dusty feet—callused and blistered—were anointed with tears and oil from Mary. With each footstep, Jesus was conquering the world of darkness and bringing light. As these beautiful walking feet were nailed to the cross, the world became dark momentarily. His light was penetrated from nails that were driven through His hands and feet when they could no longer hold Him up.  


This was love!


Jesus worked with His hands, His feet walked many miles to accomplish His mandate: to save the world! It is now our moment to manifest our faith by giving love unselfishly. 


How? Love without expecting something in return—give freely!


“The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” – Galatians 5:6b (NIV)


In a world of entitlement, sharing your faith through giving is a fantastic way of sharing the love of Jesus. Your walk of faith is not a display of trophies. It is work that involves your hands to give and your feet to walk.


The Macedonians in Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians gives us a great template for today’s society. These churches in Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea were known for their rich generosity, even though they suffered adversity through hardships. Paul is encouraging the Corinthians by the example of the Macedonians. It isn’t about giving but the example to reflect Jesus and His grace to the poorer believers of Jerusalem. 

Give today, and seize the moment! 


It may not always be financial, it could be your time, your words, and your knowledge of the grace and love of Jesus to others. To those “poor” in the faith of Jesus. When we give we express the kindness of God and His grace! The Macedonians gave for “the sake of others”. 


Give “willingly and sacrificially.”


Let your feet take you to the needy, and your hands work to reach out in love to the unloved. You may feel you have nothing to offer, but you have the priceless love and grace of Jesus to offer. 

In closing, I’m reminded of this love passage of verses from Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians.

“If I speak in the tongues of angels but do not love, I am only a resounding gong…If I can fathom all mysteries…and I have faith that can move mountains, but I do not love, I am nothing…if I give all I possess to the poor that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.” – I Corinthians 13:1-3 (ESV)


Seek opportunities to express yourself generously. Pray. God will lead you. Watch as He guides you to a new level of giving.  


The love of Jesus gives us value. We are rich! We must share our bounty, the love of Jesus, with others. Be generous. Your investment poured into others will reap massive dividends, and all the glory goes to God. When you have reflected Jesus to this world, you have become His hands and feet.

“…excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled you — see that you excel in this grace of giving.” – II Corinthians 8:7 (NIV)

About the Author:

Bridget Goodwin is a missionary, musician,  podcaster, writer, and worship leader on YouTube. While living in the UK, she founded Harvest Labourers International in 2015 with her husband to connect people locally and globally with Jesus Christ. 


After moving back to the US in 2017, Bridget began her journey of healing from the sexual abuse in her youth. This secret of 40 years came to light as she learned to find her voice through counsel and therapy. She is now an advocate for sexual trauma victims. 


Her ministry, “I Have A Voice”, hosts meetings for women who have suffered sexual and religious trauma.


Bridget’s mission is for women to find their voice, step out in bravery, and cling to the redemptive hope that is found in Jesus—the truth that sets them free.  


Connect with Bridget:







I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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