
The Rooted Love of Home By Michelle Krol

by | Jul 8, 2021 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

Michelle Krol


I have always been a homebody. I love the feeling of home—the smells, the coziness, the space to be my full self and exhale deep. In college my sorority sisters would lovingly tease me about my corner of our shared room—every square inch of the walls were covered with pictures, quotes, and magazine covers. I enjoyed creating spaces that were warm, inviting, and inspired others, even on a non-existent budget. I wanted to bring beauty in and share it with those around me. And all of these years later, this is still my heart.


Last year when we were given the initial orders to shelter in place, I felt secretly relieved over the sudden margin it created in our lives. With a houseful of active boys (one teen and four tweens), our schedules, and my husband’s nearly three-hour daily commute, our family was running at a breakneck pace even with all of the paring back and simplifying we wove into our days. I was pulled between gratitude for a bit of breathing room and guilt for the way it found its way to us—like a gift you long for only wanting to swiftly give it back once you realize how the giver was able to offer it to you. The sacrifice seemed too great and still I felt the deep longing to make the most of our time with one another, all together under the same roof with some time to spend. 


And so began the year of home. 


As the places and spaces we live in were thrust into the spotlight, I noticed a shift in everything related to home—more commercials and ads for home improvement projects and game nights, backyard adventures and cozy family time cuddled up on the sofa watching movies. Together was a word used often and with a deeper meaning than it had pre-Covid. My heart would swell as I saw all the things I held so dear finally have their moment. Our homes and the people in them are sometimes the things we take for granted most, and yet they are so precious to God. 


Home has always been special and sacred to me. All those years ago, the Lord planted this seed in my heart for our homes. And motherhood has helped me see our homes in the light of His grace as a ministry in and of itself. We desire change in the world and we have the opportunity across our kitchen tables. Sweet sister, God delights in those quiet, hidden, and unseen moments you live out within your walls. The small acts of worship you perform with every meal made and load of laundry done. And when it all drains us and exhausts us, even in our love, we can fill ourselves up at the wellspring of His grace, encouraged by His good truths to run out this marathon mission in our homes. Every day we are given opportunities to share His truths in love—


“These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-9


Our most precious offering of love is when we begin with the people right in front of us, cultivating the deep roots of home to be planted in generations to come.



About Michelle:

Michelle Krol believes our greatest ministry is within the walls of our own homes. As a writer, speaker and founder of A Rooted Home, she is devoted to cultivating the heart of home and helping families grow together in Christ. Michelle and her family call home a sweet suburb of Chicago and her crew of five boys (including a set of quadruplets) have taught her to always embrace an unexpected adventure. You can find her online www.michellekrol.com or on a Costco run to stock the fridge, again. 


Michelle’s shop full of goodness to cultivate your Rooted Home opens later this spring. Sign up on her site to receive updates.


Connect with Michelle:





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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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