
Show Notes S6E17: How to Stop Striving and Live Purposefully and Abundantly with Becky Kiser

by | Apr 23, 2024 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Tired of trying to be enough? The truth is you were never meant to be, no matter what culture might tell you.

Christian women today are bombarded with confusing messaging–they are supposed to do and be it all but also die to themselves. They are supposed to believe that women can do anything and also surrender everything to God. Adding to that pressure, many women feel stuck in their current reality–spinning on the hamster wheel of life. They scroll past images that tell them everyone else has it together and is experiencing a purpose-filled, adventurous, fun, loving, and God-honoring life. Overwhelmed and at a loss, most women go one of two places: defeat or self-help empowerment, even Christian self-help.

Becky Kiser is on the show talking about her book But God Can. She’s helping us realize this truth: on our own, we were never meant to be enough—that is the gospel message, and that is why Jesus came. But God Can get you unstuck and find a purpose you have never known! You will identify the lies you’ve internalized, replace those with new truths, and find freedom through realistic, practical, and life-changing strategies.

Join us to:

  • find freedom from lies as she changes how she thinks,

  • identify what God says is actually true,

  • remember that God is more than capable of doing anything,

  • discover how He has uniquely created her and

  • propel her into the abundant life of deep purpose.

Tune in to realize you don’t have to be enough because God is more than enough! On your own, you can’t, but God totally can!


I felt like I was on a hamster wheel striving.

I should have it together, but I don’t.

You are a unique person, but your struggle is not unique.

The owner’s response was the same.

What is enough?

You don’t need to prove yourself.

We are too hard on ourselves.

We are mean to ourselves.

You have really shouldy thinking.

How can you be kind to yourself?

What would a trusted friend say?

We are not enough on our own. That’s why we need Jesus to save us.

Embrace our not enoughness.

We can’t, but God can.

Isaiah 43

When there seems to be no way, God can make a way.

We associate abundance with things going our way and with material provision.

Abundance isn’t external results. It is a fruitful life. But to bear fruit, there are seasons of pruning.

It doesn’t always go as we think it should.

There is greater awe in our weakness.

Our weakness gives God more glory.

Sometimes, you just need to step forward in faith and find out.

Do you trust God?

We get stuck because we don’t want to mess up.

Beautycounter lipstick

The best way we can love God and others is to love ourselves.

We need to redefine what self-love is.

Connect with Becky:

Becky Kiser



I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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