The Love Offering Guest Blog Series
Faith that Changes Everything by Cayce Fletcher

Faith that Changes Everything by Cayce Fletcher

Earlier that morning with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, I opened up my bible to the story of Abram (who would later be called Abraham). A descendant of the chosen, righteous line of Seth, the story of Abram begins when he follows his father Terah to the land of Canaan. The Bible is never really clear about why Terah left to head that way or whether Terah believed in God. In either case, Terah never made it. He settled in Haran with his family and died there at a ripe old age. 

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Why Motherhood Is Like Serving In Secret by Kirstin Tatagiri

Why Motherhood Is Like Serving In Secret by Kirstin Tatagiri

When you’re a mom of littles, it can feel like your life is a never-ending cycle of teaching, instructing, cleaning, changing diapers, cooking, dishes, and laundry. Your children demand your time and attention, and when you’re banking on just 30 minutes of solitude before they wake up or after they go to sleep, they can surprise you by deciding they need some more snuggles, want to wake up early, or just need to run laps around the kitchen. 

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Becoming the Hands & Feet of Jesus By Bridget Goodwin

Becoming the Hands & Feet of Jesus By Bridget Goodwin

The hands of Jesus reached out in love to the sick, the blind, and the tormented and broke bread to feed the five thousand. These working hands, which touched the lives of many, reached the whole world at the ultimate price of love. They became pierced on the cross, dripping with blood for our redemption. 

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How Interruptible are You? By Darcie Fuqua

How Interruptible are You? By Darcie Fuqua

We could all be better at interrupting our schedules or putting down the phone to take notice of someone, especially in our homes. Many adults and children aren’t good at asking for our attention like a spoiled house dog. And at a certain point, after many failed attempts, the ones trying to get someone to notice them give up. 

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Still Blooming: Staying Faithful and Blossoming in Midlife and Beyond by Laura Acuña

Still Blooming: Staying Faithful and Blossoming in Midlife and Beyond by Laura Acuña

In my mind, I’m still 35 years old. I am actually 65, but I am often lulled into believing I have a long runway ahead of me with plenty of years left to fly. Even though I try to avoid thinking about my age, my brain won’t let me stay in denial very long and reminds me of my true timeline. Pat and I have been married for forty years. I’m the mother of three grown sons, mother-in-law to precious Angela, and ‘Nonie’ to my beloved granddaughter, Evie. 

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