
Don’t Miss the Miracle in Your Everyday Moments by Amanda Schaefer

by | Oct 12, 2023 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

It was a subtle moment that was so ordinary and quiet that it almost passed me by. The woman standing in front of me was ready to shatter. I didn’t even know her name. She had come into the prayer room where I had just finished serving during church. I didn’t know why, but I was immediately drawn to her. It had to be the discernment of God’s Spirit showing me her heart. The heart that she so carefully camouflaged with smiles and laughter. The other people leaving the room didn’t even look at her. No one else seemed to notice her heavy load.


“Hello,” I chirped and extended my hand to her, “My name is Amanda, what’s yours”? “Hi, I’m Michelle, it’s nice to meet you,” she said sheepishly. “It’s so good to meet you,” I said, smiling my sweetest smile. ”Did you need prayer for something?” I asked. She looked down and stared at the floor. “I’m not sure,” she said. “That’s okay, Let’s just sit for a minute,” I suggested. 


As we sat together, I prayed, asking God to show me her heart. He said that she had become fluent in pretending that everything was okay. That those around her had proven they had no desire to embrace her brokenness. She felt that they were perfect people with pristine prayers. She didn’t think anyone could understand her pain. 


I knew that feeling well. I had been her once. In the eyes of others, I was strong. But God saw everything. He knew I was deeply wounded and in desperate need of healing! And He healed me.


My life had taught me that whenever a feeling arose that was “unacceptable,” I had to roll my shoulders back and walk with my head held high. I was determined that no one could ever know my pain, failures, or shame.


But there I was, free and healed by Jesus, standing in front of someone like me. Somehow I could see straight through everything as if I had x-ray vision. But what I had was God’s eyes, He had given me His heart for her. He had shown me her brokenness so she could begin to be healed. I had the chance to be a part of His compassionate plan. “Yes, Lord,” I shouted in my soul. “Send me!”


“Can I sit next to you?” I asked, moving from my seat across from her before she even answered. “Yes, that would be fine,” she said. “Get the tissues,” God whispered, and I grabbed them and put them on the floor in front of us. 


I think we have been taught by a church culture that we always need to know exactly what to do. We feel that we need to take action, direct the moment, and be in charge, but God, in His perfect wisdom, has been teaching me in situations like these that it’s best to listen instead. He wanted me to be teachable, usable, and go to Him instead of coming up with solutions on my own. He knew exactly what to do and everything about His daughter Michelle. 


I can’t remember exactly what I said to her. It wasn’t that I gave her sage advice or quoted the perfect scripture. It wasn’t my innate wisdom or my witty banter that got through to her, but it was my ability to love her right where she was. I was present and ready to listen. I was not just waiting for my turn to speak. I gave her a safe place to exhale. 


We sat together as she began to cry. I offered the tissues from the box on the floor in front of me and my shoulder for her to lean on, but no words. Instead, I prayed to God the entire time, asking Him to draw near to her, heal her, and grant her His peace. I continued asking Him what He wanted me to do. He answered that He wanted me to love her just where she was. 


We didn’t ever talk about what brought on her tears. I didn’t need to know every detail. Instead, we bonded in her brokenness. We sat together through the storm of cleansing tears that she had held in for far too long. 


It was a sacred space. No one else came in, and I knew that God had orchestrated this heavenly moment where two strangers became intimately connected because of Him.


If I’m honest, this was my finest love offering; prayer coupled with presence and sustenance for the suffering. Being completely available without distractions or agendas. 


The moment was reminiscent of days when people spent more time together—when cell phones and screens didn’t separate us all. A time when community came easily, and friendship ran deep.


When she stopped crying, she asked me, “How did you know?” “How did I know what?” I asked. “How did you know that I didn’t need words, that what I needed was someone to just be with me? That I had been longing for the comfort of my tears”? “I didn’t know, but God did,” I replied. “God showed me your heart. He loves you.” 


We don’t need to share the perfect words, recite the best prayers, or give the wisest advice. No, more often than not, we need only be available for God to use us as He desires.


In Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two”.


Love is important to God! He wants us to share His unconditional, sacrificial love. He wants people to receive what He has poured into us. He wants us to splash His love into the lives of those around us.


God has a plan, and we get to be a part of it. His desire is to spread His love one person at a time. His love is relational. His love is gentle and kind, filled with joy, and it is patient and faithful. He gives us opportunities to reflect His holy light into darkened places. 


Ask God what He has for you to do today and how He would like you to do it. When you join Him in His work, He can bring a miracle from what you thought was an everyday moment!

About the Author:

Amanda Schaefer is a podcast host, author, and speaker. She carries with her the goodness of looking through a lens of gratitude. The “A Cup of Gratitude” podcast is global, currently reaching more than 97 countries and 1650 cities. As a speaker, Amanda teaches the Bible while challenging audiences to live the way that God intends. She has a way of making scripture come alive through everyday examples. Amanda’s books include, “Crumbled, A Place for Broken People” and “Daily “Instaration”. She has a new collaborative book coming out this September. Her books are down to earth and packed with biblical truth. Connect with Amanda at www.acupofgratitude.org, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram.


Connect with Amanda:

@acupof_gratitude FB @Amandaforsterschaefer



I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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