In our recent move, we have been sorting through our belongings trying to decide what stays and what goes. It’s been fun to go through the memories of where we’ve been and to dream about where we are going.
Reaping What You Sow (Or What Someone Else Did)
Who labored before me, even generations before me, that I am now reaping the fruit from? I love that introspection, but I don’t want to stop there. I also want someone to reap the reward of my labor someday.
A Lifestyle of Love: Moving Beyond Our To-Do List
We work diligently and question if what we are doing has any significance. We go through the motions, check tasks off our lists, and try to get through the day. As a result, we grow weary of serving and end up giving out of obligation or recognition instead of enjoying the privilege to simply serve. So how do we live beyond our to-do list?
Why Do I Feel So Inadequate?
Have you ever felt inadequate in who you are or for the task before you? Me too. But is it possible that God is using our inadequacy to show us His immeasurably more? Could it be that when we are weak, we are actually strong?
The Grace Of Love: I Love You Anyway
As our first and forever best friend, God loves us anyway. He extends us grace because He knows more than anyone else possibly could about us – the good, the bad and the ugly and still loves us anyway. Remember, while we were still sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)? Yes, He knows and yet loves.