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Jesus Never Loses Sight of Us by Lysa TerKeurst

Jesus Never Loses Sight of Us by Lysa TerKeurst

When life gets messy, at times it can feel like our Messiah has gone missing. That’s exactly the kind of situation we find the disciples in as we read Mark 6. Right after the feeding of the five thousand, they got in a boat, and strong winds caused the water to get very rough. The disciples were straining at the oars as the realities of life beat against them. 

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God Is Creative by Julie Sunne 

God Is Creative by Julie Sunne 

Although she assured me she liked it in the home in which she now resided, I could see it. I saw it in the way tears welled up as we visited. I saw it in her faraway look as she talked about the past. This dear old friend grieved the passing of the years. She missed the house she called home for so long. She missed attending church. She missed hanging with family and friends. She missed her independence.

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Slow Down, See the Need, and Serve by Cyndi Staudt

Slow Down, See the Need, and Serve by Cyndi Staudt

As I rushed out the door, I slung my purse over my shoulder with my phone tucked under my chin, struggling to pull the sleeve of my jacket over my arm. I was running late, again, throwing up a quick prayer to God that He would part the Red Sea of traffic so I might still make my class on time.

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