I was considering getting involved in the youth ministry at my local church. I perceived God was stirring up the notion in my heart of serving, but I was in the middle of navigating major life transitions.
Several “random” conversations later – and an email to my inbox inquiring about my involvement in this ministry I’d been dismissing – I closed out of my emails and exhaled my reservation to God, “I’m a hot mess, how can I help anybody?”
I had been plodding through a season of anxiousness extreme enough to be affecting my health. How could I be considering helping youth navigate their own life changes, when I was yet navigating mine?
I prayed to God.
I enjoyed helping others, pointing them to truths in Scripture and the solid rock of Jesus Christ on which I stood; but there was a lot of demo work in my life going on around that solid foundation and I felt completely under construction.
Build up the lives of young girls while my own is being deconstructed, God? I know that You alone are the One Who will do the work; but is it a good idea for me to get involved now? Amidst so much change, stress, and uncertainty?
As the call to get involved kept repeating, I sensed it wasn’t a coincidence and that God was graciously prodding me to move.
Enough decision paralysis out of fear.
Enough waffling (what I call flailing about in the same old spot).
Friends, it’s not about what you don’t have to offer, it’s about what you do offer. It’s not about contributing out of the abundance of your perceived provisions, but out of your recognized poverty.

Lizzy Blanchard
Isn’t this the offering that Jesus celebrates?
Mark 12:41-44 reads, “And he (Jesus) sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” (ESV)
I picture Jesus calling His disciples close, telling them to lean in, listen, and look as He celebrated the small gift of the widow. It wasn’t the large sums Jesus celebrated, it was the widow’s contribution because she gave out of her poverty, and she gave what she had. This is faith and obedience!
The text we examined is talking about a woman giving physical money. I believe it can also provide a principle for us to extend to other areas of offering.
What areas of “lack” do you perceive? Areas that you feel you have nothing of “real value” to give?
Is it your lack of finances?
Is it your lack of time?
Is it your lack of perceived capacity, knowledge, or experience?
Let the fears and excuses of your “lack” fade away as you seek to be obedient to give a love offering to Him.
The widow didn’t withhold from giving out of fear (fear of finances, or fear that her offering was insignificant). She didn’t let that stop her. She gave what she had.
It’s not about us anyway – it’s not even about the gift in and of itself – it’s about God, His glory, and His kingdom.
What do you have to give? Remembering that any gift of any size in the hands of Jesus is multiplied. A gift given in love and out of obedience is valued by Jesus!
About the Author:
Lizzy Blanchard is a writer, creator, and podcast host who comes alongside the weary and worn life-traveler who is looking for encouragement and truth in a world that feels confusing, and sometimes, in a church culture that feels inconsistent with Scripture. Lizzy is passionate about the truth and encouragement that can only be found in Jesus Christ and His Word. Let’s connect!
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