
Show Notes S6E30: Habits for a Sacred Home with Jennifer Pepito

by | Jul 30, 2024 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Change the world by changing your home, one habit at a time


In a world as chaotic as it is right now, it can feel downright difficult to be raising kids. Our culture has come unhinged from Christian moorings and timeless values. But Jennifer Pepito wants you to know there is hope.


A mom of seven and a mentor to mothers around the world, Jennifer is on the show helping you establish nine restorative habits and practices in your home to foster peace, simplicity, and stability during turbulent times. Leaning on the practices of historic Christians–like Saint Benedict and Amy Carmichael–this book guides you toward habits of work, prayer, hospitality, and more to create the sacred home you long for. Tune in to:


  • push back chaos by finding your own rhythm
  • eliminate distractions so your home becomes a place of refuge
  • foster a family culture of simplicity and stability


Don’t fear the future. Create a home that brings life to future generations–and shines with hope and peace in these trying times.




In this episode, Jennifer discusses the importance of creating a sacred home and the impact it can have on individuals, families, and communities. She shares her own experiences growing up in a Christian home and how it shaped her desire to create a loving and intentional home for her own children. Jennifer highlights the nine practices from historical Christians that can help restore families, including stewardship, prayer, stability, simplicity, and hospitality. She emphasizes the power of simple habits and the need for balance, love, and grace in creating a sacred home. Jennifer encourages listeners to focus on what is good and true, and to stay connected with God and their families.





Creating a sacred home is important for individuals, families, and communities.

Simple habits, such as prayer, stability, simplicity, and hospitality, can help restore families and have a positive impact on society.

It is important to balance love and grace with maintaining biblical values and not condoning destructive behaviors.

Focusing on what is good and true, and staying connected with God and family, can bring peace, joy, and hope to a home.

Building a sacred home requires intentionality, accountability, and the support of a strong community.


Sound Bites


“Creating a sacred home is important for individuals, families, and communities.”

“Simple habits, such as prayer, stability, simplicity, and hospitality, can help restore families and have a positive impact on society.”

“Focusing on what is good and true, and staying connected with God and family, can bring peace, joy, and hope to a home.”



Connect with Jennifer:

THE PEACEFUL PRESS (thepeacefulpreschool.com)


I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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