
Show Notes S6E29: Choosing to Thrive in the Midst of Life’s Challenges with Lindsay Roberts

by | Jul 16, 2024 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Do you ever feel like your dreams are on the cutting room floor and your hopes are going down the drain? Have circumstances made you feel powerless or un­able to move forward?

In Discover Your True Strength, Lindsay Roberts shares examples of powerful women who applied their faith and found their true strength by trusting in God’s Word. She uses three key strength-building Scriptures and her own life experiences to show how you can have the courage and determination to over­come life’s obstacles and find your vision for the future.

As you come to understand and embrace your true, God-given strength, you can live each day to the fullest and pursue what you love and are called to do.


Lindsay Roberts, wife of Richard Roberts and daughter-in-law of Oral Roberts, shares her experience of marrying into a well-known family and facing challenges and opposition. She talks about her journey of discovering strength in Christ and choosing to thrive in the midst of life’s challenges. Lindsay discusses the concept of strength stealers and how obstacles and hardships can affect us. She shares stories of her father-in-law’s compassion and forgiveness, highlighting that strength is not always loud or boisterous but can be found in quiet acts of love and forgiveness. Lindsay emphasizes that strength is a choice and encourages listeners to rely on the power of Christ.

In this conversation, Lindsay Roberts shares personal stories and insights about finding strength in challenging situations. She recounts a harrowing experience on the highway and how her mother-in-law’s unwavering focus on her ‘precious cargo’ (Lindsay, her husband, and her father-in-law) helped them navigate the situation. Lindsay emphasizes the importance of recognizing and overcoming the tricks and strategies of the devil, and the need to listen to the Holy Spirit for guidance. She also discusses the significance of making choices to thrive in the areas where God has placed us, even if they are unconventional. Lindsay shares her favorite biblical examples of strength, including David, Esther, and Bathsheba. She encourages listeners to persevere and trust God’s faithfulness in their lives.


Marrying into a well-known family can be a shell shock and require adjustment.

Facing opposition, tragedy, fear, and criticism can lead to discovering strength in Christ.

Strength stealers, such as unexpected loss or diagnosis, can become strength builders through reliance on God.

Strength is not always loud or boisterous but can be found in quiet acts of love, forgiveness, and obedience.

Strength is a choice and can be cultivated through reliance on the power of Christ. In challenging situations, it is essential to focus on what is truly important and not be distracted by external factors.

Recognize and overcome the tricks and strategies of the devil by listening to the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Make choices to thrive in the areas where God has placed you, even if they are unconventional.

Learn from both the things you want to do and the things you don’t want to do.

Persevere and trust in God’s faithfulness in all areas of your life.


“God uses me not because of my gifts and talents. He uses me because of my obedience.”

“I had precious cargo on board. I cannot be distracted by anything.”

“Satan, the Bible says, goes around as a roaring lion seeking, okay, that’s active, seeking whom he may devour.”

“I have to recognize that the wiles of the devil, the tricks, the strategies of the devil are intricate. They’re intelligent. They’re not silly.”

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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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