
Show Notes S6E24: Braving Change with Andi Andrew

by | Jun 11, 2024 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Change in our lives is inevitable whether it is a change we desire, like a new job or a new city, or one thrust upon us, like the loss of a loved one or a challenge to our health. Either way, we get to choose who we become as a result of these changes in our lives. Change is a powerful teacher, shaping and molding us more into the likeness of Christ as we let it do its work.

Braving Change author, Andi Andrew is on the show helping us to: 

· recognize the transition you are in

· recover from loss

· reclaim your power to make healthy choices

· rebuild after change

Join us to make sense of the change you’re experiencing so that you can grow through it and be prepared for the next change that comes your way.



If you start dreaming about something else, you stop being present in the life you have. 

In the storms we find out what we’ve built our life on. 

If we don’t grieve properly it will come out somehow. 

Let the tears fall so you can accept where you are so you can move on. 

We’ve stopped having fun.

Don’t neglect the spiritual disciplines.

Pay attention to your wholeness journey.

God wants to continually change us. 

When we are not producing fruit, God will cut that off. Where He prunes, there will be growth.

Surrender and radical obedience make us more like Christ. 

God may be saying, I already gave you a word you’re just being disobedient. 

Ask yourself: where are you longing for the provision of the past?

You don’t have to make a publicity campaign around every change. 

We can trust God as our ultimate vindicator. 

Be grateful, think about good things, and go with the flow. 

I love rhythms of simplicity.

Luke 19 – Jesus’ love for Jerusalem 

Shalom means completeness 

If you only knew. 



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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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