
Show Notes S5E15: A Little Grace Goes a Long Way with Rachael Gilbert

by | Apr 11, 2023 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Are you tired of being at war with your body—and with your thoughts about your body? It’s time to extend yourself, and others, some grace!


Rachael Gilbert struggled with shame when she didn’t measure up to her dream body image. Then, as a fitness instructor and licensed counselor specializing in disordered eating, she realized how many of us bury the same painful insecurities. But keeping up appearances is exhausting. We need restoration from the inside out.

In this episode, Rachael offers invites you to see your whole self in a new way as you learn:

  • A biblical perspective on eating, weight loss, fitness, and self-confidence rooted in God’s love.

  • Counselor-inspired strategies to help you appreciate how God made you.

  • How to reframe stories that formed your attitude toward your body.

  • Tools for overcoming comparison and trauma.

  • Ways to use thoughts and feelings so they help you rather than sabotage you.

Join us to gain spiritual and therapeutic insights, as we chat about Rachael’s book, Image RESTored, to experience healing and wellness that starts with knowing God’s love for you—mind, soul, body, and spirit.



“We can’t extend grace if we don’t first receive grace.”


“The Lord helps us extend grace.”


Beyond Burn Out book


“Burnout symptoms have the same symptoms as depression.”


“We are all shaped by our past. Root core messages shape the person you are.”


“Everyone’s motivation is different.”


“Why are you chasing what you’re chasing?”


“We all struggle with some aspect of our image. Our image encompasses so much more than our bodies.”


“God’s Word is our firm foundation.”


“We all struggle with striving. We need rest. Rest looks different than we think.”


“How do you define rest?”


“It takes time to retrain your brain. Training takes time. It gets easier and it becomes second nature.”


“Three c’s of a thought: captive, challenge, and change.”


“Challenge the thought against God’s Word.”


“When you speak the Word of God the enemy flees.”


“The triangle effect. Your thoughts affect your feelings and your feelings affect your behaviors.”


“I’m tired of watching women let something like body image hold us back from doing what God’s called us to do.”


“Without grace, the gospel is impossible to walk out.”


“How well do you receive God’s grace? Without that, we can’t extend grace to ourselves or to other people.”



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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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