
S5E30 Show Notes: A Little Forgiveness Goes a Long Way with Kia Stephens

by | Aug 8, 2023 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

If you have been hurt, neglected, rejected, or abandoned by your father, it may feel like every aspect of your life is affected by that broken trust–even your relationship with God. But there is hope. Your father wounds do not have the last word in your life; God does.


In this episode, Kia Stephens shares her own story of father wounds, along with examples from wounded women in Scripture who were transformed by the love of God. Join us as she helps you identify your father wounds and offers practical tools to help you overcome insecurity, low self-esteem, and unforgiveness, so you can connect with God as your loving heavenly Father.


Take heart, daughter. You can be made whole again.




“I didn’t realize I didn’t have what she had.”


“You can function normally and not realize you’ve been wounded in the past until you’re triggered.”


“It’s common for people to view God like they view their earthly father.”


“How do God’s attributes coincide with who I am?”


“God is concerned with the intricate details of my life.”


Tara-Leigh Cobble – He’s Where The Joy Is


The Woman with the Issue of Blood


“I’ve tried everything else to be well.”


“God takes us wherever He finds us and transforms us.”


“Jesus stopped what He was doing to help her.”


1 Peter 5:7


“Your relationship with the opposite sex is a good indicator if you have a father wound.”


“We turn to the masculine gender and turn to men to get the support we didn’t get from our fathers.”


“We gravitate to receive from others what we didn’t get from our fathers.”


“Unforgiveness will tell on you.”


“Forgiveness relinquishes the right to hold another person responsible for the act done to me.”

“Forgiveness is for us.”


“God designed us to live free.”


“I don’t know how to forgive apart from Jesus Christ.”


“I’m choosing to forgive because of what Christ has done for me.”


The Passion of the Christ movie


“The person may never tell us their story.”


“We can’t control other people. We can sometimes not even control ourselves.”


“Invite the Holy Spirit into this forgiveness process with us. Forgiveness is practical and supernatural.”


“When we choose to pray for the person who wronged us, it will transform our hearts.”


“Everything I needed I had already gotten from God.”


“1 in 4 kids grow up in father absent homes.”


“You can live healed and whole.”


Psalm 147:3


“God can heal your broken heart and can bind up your wounds.”


“There is not always a bow. The goal is the change in our own hearts.”


“Overcoming is ongoing.”


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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