
S519 Show Notes: A Little Gesture Goes a Long Way by Dr. Gary Chapman

by | May 9, 2023 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

To last for the long haul and through the stresses and complexities of life, love has to be more than something we feel. It has to be something we do. We have to demonstrate it concretely in our marriages and families, among our friends and acquaintances, and, yes, even among our enemies.


Dr. Gary Chapman is on the show today sharing wisdom from his books The Five Love Languages and Love is a Choice. Join us as we chat about stories of love in action, inspiring us to go deeper in every relationship.



“I knew the concept would help people because I discovered it in my counseling.”


“If you want the other person to feel loved then you have to express love in the language that the other person understands.”


“The short answer is God and the long answer is God.”


“Look for things in the other person you can affirm.”


“What can you do for the other person that you know that they would like for you to do?”


“Give the other person your undivided attention.”


“We’ve long known the power of physical touch.”


“If you don’t speak the primary love language of the other person then they won’t feel loved.”


“What does the other person request of you most often? Observe their behaviors. What do they complain about most often?”


“Love is a confusing word because we use it for so many different things.”


“Love is more than a strong feeling you have towards another person. That kind of love doesn’t last.”


“Biblical love doesn’t start with a feeling. It starts with an attitude. It is a way of thinking.”


“I took what was an interruption in my day and made it an opportunity. If we have an attitude of love, we are much more likely to reach out in love.”


“God speaks your love language.”


“The good Samaritan is one of my favorite examples of love in action.”


“In the Bible love is usually loving someone that doesn’t love you.


“Hospitality is the love of strangers.”


“It’s not natural to love people that aren’t loving you. But God loved us while we were still sinners.”


“We aren’t alone in this. We have outside help. We have the Holy Spirit.”


“The question isn’t if you want to do this. The question is, will you?”


“God, I want to be your agent of expressing love in spite of my feelings.”


“God wants to use you as an instrument to help people come to know Him.”


“Lord, help me to be open to the people you bring into my life today. Help me to enrich the lives of other people.”


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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