
S3E6 Podcast Show Notes Featuring Lisa Appelo

by | Feb 9, 2021 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

We learn lessons in the good, the bad, and the in-between. Lisa Appelo shares about that journey of unexpected lessons on the show today. After losing her husband of 25 years and becoming a widow and single mom of seven, Lisa still finds God to be faithful and true. He has met her deepest needs and we believe He can meet yours too. 

We discuss:
  • How moments of joy can intersect affliction
  • How prayer helped her through
  • Parenting children through grief
  • Giving thanks in bad circumstances
  • Thriving in every chapter of life
  • Scriptural keys to crush our fear, walk in joy and fan our faith
  • Learning to not only live where we are but love where we are
  • Learning to not only rest and trust, but smile at the future
  • What it really means for a Christian to grieve with hope
  • How to love widows, single moms, and those who are grieving

“One day life was normal and ordinary and the next day I woke up a widow.”

“I knew in my head God was faithful but until that moment I had never been utterly so dependent on God for everything.”

“God has been faithful and it has often come through the hands of others.”

“All you need to know is that it’s from the hand of God to you.”

“I never could’ve imagined the loneliness and overwhelm of being a single parent.”

“God has provided all the things I counted on Dan to do.”

“God brought joy in the midst of pain.”

“I could feel the prayers of others.”

“We all grieve differently so give each other grace. As a parent try to keep the conversation going.”

“Young kids grow into their grief.”

“If you want to know that God is good in all circumstances start looking for it.”

“You’ll start to realize you’re thriving in a situation that you did not plan or want.”

“A lot of what we fear never comes true.”

“Recognize the lie and then take a captive to the truth of Christ.”

“God is present in it and walks with us through it.”

“This life is not all there is.”

Connect with Lisa:

True and Faithful (lisaappelo.com)

Lisa Appelo | Facebook

Instagram (@lisaappelo)

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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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