
God’s Roadmap to Finding Your Calling by Julie Holmquist

by | Jul 21, 2022 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

We all long for a sense of purpose, to know our calling in life, and to feel like we’re part of something bigger than just our day-to-day. We can spend our entire lives searching for that ONE THING that God’s called us to do.


I’ve found, however, that our calling is not a destination. It’s a process of submitting and surrendering to the path God has us on all along the way.



After graduating from a world-renown Bible college, I was ready to take on the world for Jesus. My enthusiasm was short lived though as the only door open to me was an administrative assistant position at a small Christian school.


My calling seemed so far away and out of reach as I filed papers, scheduled meetings, and figured out students’ GPAs.


But as I’ve studied the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, I was struck with a very simple, yet profound and often overlooked, process God took Nehemiah through in finding his calling to supervise and rally the people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after the 70 years of Babylonian captivity.


Serve Where You Are Right Now


Nehemiah was already serving as cupbearer to King Artaxerxes I when God gave him a burden and a calling (Nehemiah 1:11).


“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10 ESV).


Whatever God’s given you to do right now, give it your all! It doesn’t say to do what you think are important things. It says “whatever” your hand finds to do.


It doesn’t matter if it’s changing diapers, helping save people’s lives as a surgeon, or filing papers and documenting students GPAs.


Focus on Others, Be Curious, and Ask Questions


When Nehemiah’s brother came to visit, Nehemiah simply inquired about the Jewish remnant who survived the exile. He wasn’t focused on himself (Nehemiah 1:1-2).


“In humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Philippians 2:3-4 NIV).


We can get so self-focused at times that we forget to find out how other people are doing. The four years as an administrative assistant were spent asking God what my calling was.

It wasn’t until I stopped focusing on ME, MYSELF, and I, did I begin to see the needs in front of me and how I was able to meet those needs. He did call me! This season was part of His process in training me for what was next.


Ask God for His Strategy in How and When He Wants You to Complete Your Assignment


After hearing that the city walls were destroyed, Nehemiah sat down, wept, mourned for many days, fasted, and prayed (Nehemiah 1:4 ESV).


Once God’s shown me something, I usually run with it. I can see what He wants me to do; however, I don’t stop long enough to find out how and when He wants me to do it.


In humility, Nehemiah spent time seeking God for His strategy to rebuild the walls. He didn’t run out and share the news with everyone. He pondered it in his heart.


As we’re seeking God for His calling on our lives, my hope is that we’re content to take each necessary step in the process. None of it is wasted or in vain.


He has called you! He wastes nothing. Enjoy the process!


About the Author:

Julie Holmquist is a speaker, podcast host to “Kairos Moments,” author, and Bible teacher. God has given her deep insight into His Word with real-life, practical application. She loves to empower Christian women with a God-given dream take confident and bold steps forward with that dream and to enjoy the journey of becoming who God created them to be in the process.


She’s written the first in a series of workbooks that will encourage women to get deeply rooted in who they are in Christ. The other two workbooks will teach women what an intimate relationship with God looks like and to how to make a lasting, kingdom impact on the world around them.


  • “Defined” (IDENTITY in Christ)




  • “Known” (INTIMACY with God) – COMING SOON
  • “Called” (Making an IMPACT through the Holy Spirit) – COMING SOON


She and her husband have four sons and live in Charlotte, NC.


Connect with Julie:



https://Facebook.com/StuffofHeaven (Julie Holmquist)


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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