
Show Notes S6E20: Aging Gratefully with Heather Creekmore

by | May 14, 2024 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Aging. Grateful. Those are two words you don’t usually see in a sentence together. Culture tells us that aging involves wrinkles, extra pounds, arthritis, and graying hair. And its answer to aging’s many problems? Fight back! 


And we do, wearing ourselves out physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the process. 


But the Bible speaks about aging differently–that each year is a gift from God. Join us as Heather Creekmore talks about Aging Gratefully. She offers us humorous encouragement and sincere hope for this stage of life by pointing us each day to something we must be thankful for in our current seasons. She guides you in prayer, giving words to your practice of gratitude, and then gets you moving to put your thanksgiving into action. Tune in to find reasons to laugh out loud, reminders to live abundantly, and a solid rationale for why aging and grateful really do belong together.



God looks at our hearts, not the size of our jeans.

God turns our brokenness into ministry opportunities.

Aging is entirely out of our control.

If I look older, then I won’t be as relevant. 

Women can feel invisible.

Outer beauty fades, but inner beauty can flourish.

Let people know you love them for more than the way they look.

Live in the grace.

Our bodies are decaying. This isn’t the end.

Grey hair is called a crown. 

Younger women need the wisdom of older women. 

Aging is a gift.

Castor oil

Don’t let your focus on your image detract you from focusing on loving God and others.


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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