Each of us was placed on this earth for a certain number of days. Time is precious, and you don’t want to waste it. You desire a life that has meaning and purpose, but you find yourself caught in a current of non-stop rushing. When this becomes your existence, day after day, you find you’ve lived a series of months, even years, unintentionally. In the middle of all of this is the suffocating presence of anxiety. You want a life that matters, but how do you do that in the middle of…life?
How do you use the struggle of anxiety as a path to a life of meaning? Join Nichole Suvar, author of Numbering our Days, as she encourages you to move out of maintenance mode, away from the spiral of anxiety, and into a life lived with intention. Anxiety doesn’t have to define you. It can be what brings you back to Jesus, living a life that brings Him glory and points others to Him.
This episode will help you take action to combat anxiety and start living intentionally, one moment at a time. Because small moments, day by day, add up to an intentional life.
“There is an imbalance in our souls as well as in our bodies and our minds.”
“In some ways, we are more connected than ever, and in other ways, we’re more disconnected than ever.”
“We don’t have to spend our time surviving. We just spent our time acquiring.”
“The average Christian has five hours of leisure activity a day and spends eight minutes in prayer and in God’s Word.”
“We are having anxiety because we’re not spending much time with the Prince of Peace.”
“We need to take our thoughts and feelings captive.”
“Be purposeful with the moments you have.”
“When a whole day feels too overwhelming. Look at the small moments you have in front of you.”
“Seven areas: Heart, thoughts, relationships, home, time, money, and health.”
1 Peter5:7
“It was a command I could not keep. I kept trying to cast my anxiety on Him, but it would not leave. I failed no matter how hard I tried.”
“The root of anxiety is us because we are not trusting in God.”
“Anxiety tries to take me down, but God is stronger.”
“It’s not up to you.”
“Breath prayer helps me.”
“Choosing to wake up early to spend time with God before I pick up my phone helps me.”
Psalm 46:1
“Choose to connect when you want to isolate.”
“Lower the bar of what a perfect home is.”
“Choose a small task that is achievable.”
“Be purposeful with the sabbath. Choose to rest.”
“Be conscious of screen time.”
“What is the thing you are trying to avoid?”
“Make a budget.”
“Choose to move when you want to sit.”
“Go outside and get some fresh air.”
“Our soul’s purpose is to live for God’s glory.”
Psalm 90:12
“Recognize the temporal. Reconnect to the eternal.”
“Refocus your intention.”
“We’ve only been given a small amount of time on earth to live for Jesus.”
“There is no shame in getting help.”
Connect with Nichole:
Home – The Intentional Life – Nichole Suvar (livewithintent.org)
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