Guest Blog Posts
Our Lord’s Presence by Jess Ronne
The doctor stretched out her arm and drew circles on top of circles on the whiteboard, an illustration of how she viewed my unborn baby’s predicament: a presumed diagnosis of a stroke in utero. I sat there feeling like a child failing miserably at a particular subject in school, but the subject I was failing in was pregnancy.
Charity in Action: Finding Purpose Through Serving Others by Shemane Nugent
Taking the focus off myself and putting it on others has always lifted me from the deepest, darkest depths of despair. In 2004, Ted, Rocco, and I visited veterans at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio. We went from room to room, visiting severely injured soldiers. The sights were worse than any Hollywood movie could depict. Ted played his guitar and entertained the troops in a rehab room. A young man who had suffered serious burns all over his body was strapped onto a bed. He moaned while his limbs were stretched to encourage new skin to grow.
How Hurting People Help Others: A Biblical Perspective on Healing Through Service by Linda Buxa
Hurt people hurt people. I’ve heard that demotivational phrase a number of times as people discuss that struggles can be generational, that trauma can be passed along, and that people who are victims of abuse might abuse others.
When God Calls the Least Likely to Do the Extraordinary by Lisa Steven
What if it’s true that God chooses the least qualified, least likely people to do the most extraordinary things? What if you just might be one of those people? Maybe you have a thought you can’t get out of your head or a deep care for something or someone in particular that you can’t shake. Maybe you feel like God might even be asking you to do something about it, but in your head, you’re thinking, “Yeah, but that would be crazy! I’m just …”