
When We’re Not Enough, God’s Grace Is More than Enough by Dawn R. Ward 

by | Oct 10, 2024 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV


“Dawn, I’m calling you to start a ministry.” I felt the Lord’s all too familiar nudging as He gently whispered the words in my heart.  


Just a few moments earlier, I woke to a craving for my morning Americano with a splash of half and half. Still, my thoughts lingered over the dream I had the night before. Was it just a dream, or was the Lord up to something?  


Normally, I would have waited to pray until after I nestled into my favorite chair with my Bible in my lap and tasted my first sip of coffee. However, this time, the urge to discover the relevance of my dream was too strong to ignore. 


The dream itself was nothing out of the ordinary. I was standing outside, taking in the beauty of nature. I saw a green pasture with fluffy white sheep nestled in its grasses as I looked around. Overseeing them were a few shepherds, carefully tending to their flocks. As I looked on, I sensed God had other sheep in mind who needed to feel as safe as these did under their attentive watch. 


Pondering my dream and the Lord’s words, I questioned Him about its meaning. Once again, He said, “Dawn, start a ministry.”  


Without further hesitation, I responded flippantly, “Sure, Lord. Anything but addiction.” 


Gulp. As the blood rushed to my cheeks, I realized I had spoken out of turn. An addiction ministry was exactly what God had in mind. And I knew it. While I could spout a list of excuses for why God had chosen the wrong girl for the job, there was no getting out of it. So, since there was no outrunning His calling in my life, I decided that ignoring His directions and procrastinating could buy me some time. And that they did, but not for long. 


Fast forward a couple of years. By then, the Lord started making Himself loud and clear. There would be no more excuses.  


“But, Lord,” I pleaded. “I don’t think I’m up for it.” I couldn’t imagine living with addiction 24/7 while simultaneously establishing a ministry for moms whose kids were also struggling with life-controlling addictions. “What if my pain leaks out on them?” 


“Do it anyway,” Jesus persisted. 


But how could God use me, a broken, guilt-ridden momma, to share hope with other hurting moms when I was barely holding onto hope myself? 


“Dawn, trust Me. I got you.” Jesus spoke reassuringly. “You will be a vessel I will work through to bring healing and hope to these hurting women.” 


Suddenly, like the Grinch who stole Christmas, my tiny heart began to grow. As the Lord poured his love into the wounded places of my soul, my love for these moms grew intensely.  


“They just need someone to love them. Someone who will remind them I love them…and that I see them and care about what they are going through. They don’t need that someone to be perfect.” 


Tears welled up in my eyes, and I sensed the time was right to step out in obedience. In the middle of my trial and while at my weakest, Jesus called me to pour out my life as a love offering to be used for his purpose.  


Looking back over the last eight years since I started writing and ministering to women who share the same heartache as me while watching their loved ones self-destruct, I now realize I’m the one who’s blessed.  


The faith of the women in our support group encourages me daily. I am blessed to serve in this ministry because of God’s grace and undeserved favor. Likewise, if the Lord is leading you into a calling far greater than you can do in your strength, I encourage you not to procrastinate like I did. Remember, the Lord uses ordinary vessels for glorious purposes. No matter our weakness, He will always give us the strength to obey Him. 


“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”  
Philippians 4:13 ESV 



About the Author:

Dawn Ward is a speaker, writer, and biblical life coach. She is the founder of The Faith to Flourish, a ministry equipping women to live transformed lives through inspiring teaching, mentoring, and biblical resources. Dawn also offers support and encouragement to women with addicted loved ones. She is married to Steve and mom to three adult children. Her book, From Guilt to Grace: Hope and Healing for Christian Moms of Addicted Children is scheduled for release in September 2024.


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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