
Show Notes S5E17: A Little Testimony Goes a Long Way with Joanna Weaver

by | Apr 25, 2023 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

What is your testimony? Have you ever had a hard time articulating it or believing in its power? While our experiences with Jesus may vary greatly, the impact of sharing them does not. In fact, Scripture tells us the devil is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). Jesus already completed his part, and now, it’s our turn to follow through with ours.


Consider for a moment how your life might have unfolded if someone hadn’t shared their testimony with you. Because those who have gone before us were faithful to their mission, we heard the good news and had the opportunity to believe. Now we have the same responsibility to tell others about his saving grace. Once we experience him, we are meant to become witnesses for him. Their eternal salvation is at stake. Joanna Weaver is on the show today sharing her testimony with us as she has learned to find intimacy with God in the midst of the busyness of life and embrace trust. 


What could transform someone’s life more than a relationship with Him? We don’t have to have any special skill to be a witness for Christ. Simply tell your God story and how he has changed your life. This is how the gospel is spread. Your testimony could be the reason someone else can have a testimony of their own.



“I’ve got a testimony every time I let God work on me.”


“I had this idea that I had been saved by grace, but the rest was up to me. My best attempts always fell short.”


“I’m a perfectionist with a motivational gift of laziness.”


“When I came to the end of myself, I realized who Jesus was. We all need a Savior.” 


“Grace isn’t just for salvation, it is for transformation.”


“I made my relationship with the Lord another duty.”


“Jesus loves us all no matter our personality type.”


“What does intimacy look like with God in the midst of the busyness of life?” 


“It is not about duty. It’s about delight. It’s not about ritual. It’s about relationship.”


“The enemy tempted Eve with the seed of distrust and he’s trying to tempt us with the same seed.”


“God, I don’t know, but I know you do.”


“Until we fully surrender we won’t be able to fully trust.”



“God doesn’t have to answer for His methods or His timing.”


“We are left with two ways of thinking–either something is wrong with God or something is wrong with our faith.”


“Trust is getting a glimpse of the faithfulness of God, not the amount of faith I can muster up.”


“Trust is a decision. It is an act of my will. Trust is a verb. I don’t have to attain it to claim it.”


“Instead of freaking out, we faith up. We look to the Lord and call out to Him.”


“Fear will give way to faith.”


“Don’t rush through to the happy ending. Capture the process as you’re walking through the hard stuff.”


“Why would we want to waste our trials?”



“We all want a testimony but we resent the test that gets it. It is in the testing of our faith that something incredible happens.”



“God is not so much concerned about my comfort as He is my character. He’s not as passionate about building His Kingdom through me as much as He wants to build His Kingdom in me. And that happens in the hard times.”



“There is no such thing as a little testimony in the Kingdom of God.”



Connect with Joanna:

Christian Author & Speaker – Joanna Weaver (joannaweaverbooks.com)

The Living Room podcast




Free 5-Day Challenge:

Embracing Trust 5-Day Challenge | Join Today! – Joanna Weaver (joannaweaverbooks.com)



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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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