
S5E50 Show Notes: Your New Now with Nick Koziarz

by | Dec 26, 2023 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

In the space between no longer and not yet, you still belong somewhere.


It catches most of us by surprise. Life is going along until suddenly, we find ourselves at the crossroads of what was and what is yet to be. This in-between space of transition often keeps us awake at night, asking questions like What am I supposed to do now? and Why do I feel so lost and alone? If a new direction doesn’t come, it can feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of purposeless days.


Nicki Koziarz asked those same questions. Changes were coming in multiple areas of her life, and she struggled to navigate through them. But Nicki discovered how to find direction for today by understanding the types of seasons a transition can bring.


In her book Your New Now and on today’s episode, Nicki walks us through the life of Moses from the perspective of four transition seasons he experienced: development, separation, cultivation, and finished. This episode will help you: 


  • Discern which transition season you’re in and learn how to overcome its challenges 
  • Stop feeling lost in life by discovering where you belong on the road between what was and what will be
  • Protect your future by learning to utilize Scripture to fight fears of the unknown


Transitions start with something ending, and waiting for a new beginning can be agonizing. But you can learn to be confident and optimistic, even when life feels like it’s paused in an unfamiliar now.


All of us are in some form of transition in a season of our life.


What am I supposed to do next? What am I supposed to do now?


Moses went through more transitions in his life than any other in the Bible.


Which transition season are you in?


Every season has a balcony and a basement–a high and a low.


We are on the road between what was and what will be.

We will go through a transition season every 12 to 18 months.


God has something for you right here and right now.

We don’t like to stand still. When there is a space in our lives, we immediately try to fill it with some type of distraction.


We don’t know how to be present in this moment.


Stop being distracted and find things to focus on.

I’ve always felt like I was in the wrong season at the wrong time.


Sometimes, we resist the process of learning to just be with God and where He has us and instead strive for the next thing.


Don’t pull our Bible verse bandaids and slap them on your soul to make you feel better. We need to understand where our hope is anchored in the Scriptures.


Sometimes, our seasons can become an idol to us.


God is in charge of the plan, but I’m in control of my obedience.


You’ve got to start somewhere. Just get started.


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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