
S4E11 Show Notes: God’s Redeeming Love with Francine Rivers

by | Mar 15, 2022 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Internationally bestselling author Francine Rivers is on the show today sharing the impact of a story and about God’s redeeming love. Francine had a successful writing career in the general market for several years becoming a born-again Christian; she then wrote Redeeming Love as her statement of faith. A retelling of the biblical story of Gomer and Hosea set during the time of the California Gold Rush, Redeeming Love is now considered by many to be a classic work of Christian fiction and it continues to be one of the industry’s top-selling titles year after year.


Since Redeeming Love, Francine has published numerous bestselling novels with Christian themes—including The Masterpiece, Bridge to Haven, and A Voice in the Wind —and she has continued to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the world.


Francine and her husband live in Northern California and enjoy time spent with their grown children and grandchildren. She uses her writing to draw closer to the Lord, and she desires that through her work she might worship and praise Jesus for all He has done and is doing in her life.



“I knew I would be a writer but I didn’t know what I would write.”


“You can be in the church pew but the message never reaches your heart.”


“I spent my life turning to other things rather than turning to God.”


“God’s love is always reaching out ready to reclaim us.”


“When people write to me saying they wish they could meet a Michael Hosea, I say you can. His name is Jesus. You will never find a person to fulfill that kind of role in your life. It has to come from God.”


“Fiction is never meant to replace the real thing. It’s meant to draw you back into Scripture and point you to Jesus Christ. Scripture doesn’t even save you. Scripture points you to the Lord. That is where you find salvation.”


“To write for the Lord you have to immerse yourself in Scripture. As a writer you want that to flow through you in a very natural way. You want your worldview to permeate your work. Writing is a good excuse to spend more time with the Lord.”


“Stay connected with Him if you are going to serve Him.”


“We are compared to sheep for good reason.”


“The proceeds of the book and movie go to help victims of sex trafficking—The Redeeming Love Sanctuary Foundation.”


“I don’t want to criticize the people who are criticizing me. How can you judge something that you haven’t even seen or read?”


“The intent of the movie was to reach the unsaved audience that doesn’t know the Lord or read their Bible. They can see the film and see what Christlike love looks like in action.”


“Whatever I do I want to point to Jesus. I am not important. I will be forgotten. Jesus is important.”


“My writing usually begins with a question in my own faith. Each book is a quest that I usually don’t have the answer to until the very end. I’m searching for God’s perspective.”


“Is it possible for one person to change a community? With God it is.”


“Trust God will equip you and then take a leap of faith. He will give you joy in the work. Don’t be afraid.”


“As a writer, you are never an expert. It’s always overwhelming.”


“Be a love offering by allowing God to live through you. He makes all of us unique. Allow God to shine through you wherever you are.”


Connect with Francine:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FrancineRivers

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FrancineRivers

Website: www.FrancineRivers.com

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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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