
S3E51 Show Notes: Tending To Our Hearts and the Hearts of Others with Charity Rios

by | Dec 21, 2021 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

Our hearts and the hearts of others are so important. God wants our whole hearts, but so does the enemy. That is why it is essential we identify and stay in tune with the lies we may be believing and replace them with God’s truth. 


Charity Rios is on the show today sharing about how to tend to our hearts and the hearts of the people in our lives. She is the author of My Heart’s Garden, a children’s book to help kids discover their true identity in Christ, overcome anxiety, fear, and insecurity, by replacing lies with the truth.


In today’s episode we chat about: 

  • Her role as a Children’s Pastor and church planter. 
  • Simple practices to connect our hearts to Jesus
  • Loving our children for who they are and not for who we think they should be
  • Giving our kids a firm foundation 
  • Making reading the Bible and prayer part of our family’s routine 


We pray after joining us your heart’s garden is full of fertile soil ready to allow God’s seeds to flourish and yield a fruitful harvest for Him. 



“Jesus is the answer to every problem we have in the world.”



“The church is the hope of the world. This universal body of believers can bring the solution to the problems we have in the world.”


“Tending your heart is a very simple spiritual practice where you identify any lie the enemy has tried to plant in your mind and then ask God to replace it with His truth.”


“I have access to God who has all the wisdom. I don’t have to solve this all on my own in my own strength.”


“God has chosen to use the church to fulfill His mission on earth.”


“When you tend to your heart you need to first identify the emotion and write down the lies you are believing. Repent and then receive His truth.”


“God loves our children more than we do. God is going to use their personality characteristics for His glory.”


“When we get a glimpse of what God is doing in our child’s future it helps us to transform our hearts towards our kids.”


“I want my kids to know that the Word is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. It changes us.”


“We need to honor their emotions. We can give the negative emotion to Jesus and He will give us something better in exchange”


“We don’t want to ignore it or gloss over it. We need to address it.”


“The best way to be love offerings is to lead others to Jesus. He has everything we need.”


Connect with Charity:


Instagram @claritywithcharity 

Facebook @charityriosauthor


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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