
S3E50 Show Notes: How Every Small Kindness Makes A Big Impact

by | Dec 14, 2021 | The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes

At the end of the day, can one person really make any impact at all? 


When the world’s problems loom large and your ordinary life stretches you thin, it is still possible to be a difference-maker–one small, intentional, extravagant act of kindness at a time. 


Rather than telling you to do more, Becky Keife’s book The Simple Difference shows you how to see more: more of the people in front of you, more of God’s lavish love for you, more of his power within you. Becky is on the show helping us to:


– stop getting buried in busyness and distraction and discover countless opportunities for impact right where you are 

– remove your perceived limitations and learn to see that your “not-enough” is exactly what the world needs 

– discard expectations of what it takes to make a difference and delight in the life-changing power of simple kindness 


The Simple Difference isn’t about totally changing the course of your life; it’s about letting God change you and work through you in the midst of your ordinary days. Be a part of The Simple Difference movement–your life and the world will never be the same.



If you are in a season that feels like it will never end, it will. Things change. Don’t wish away the time you are in. 


God is at work in you and in your kids. 


That kind word changed my whole day. She had no idea how that impacted me. It caused me to think about who I could encourage with a kind word. 


We often overlook the importance of our presence. We can be physically present but not emotionally present. 


One of our deepest needs as humans is to be seen. Look up and be open to how God would like to use you. 


What if God has something bigger in mind and He is inviting you to partner with Him in simple ordinary ways?



Intentional kindness is a posture of surrender. 


Don’t let awkwardness be a barrier. Our timidity and discomfort is temporary, but the impact our kindness can make is eternal. 


It’s not about us. It is about God and being obedient to what He asks of us. We have no idea how God is working. 


Lord, I trust you with the outcome because You are trustworthy. 


Sometimes the lesson is for us. 


Why him God? I felt God say, especially him. He is my son and I love him. It’s not about you getting a good feeling. 


Jesus demonstrated kindness for the long haul by investing in a group of close friends. He showed up for people over and over again. 


Our homes are a learning lab for life. It starts with home. 


I don’t build much margin in my life. 


I could either be irritated by the inconvenience or I could be a blessing. 


If we are so caught up in our own needs that we aren’t open to responding to the needs around us. 


We can discount ourselves. Let Jesus be bossy with you. 


Kindness begets kindness.


It wasn’t a sermon that impacted me in the same way as someone who offered the gift of undeserved kindness to

understand God’s gift of mercy. 


If we are all living eyes wide open in our own spheres of influence our ripples can eventually overlap. 


Be a love offering by praying “Lord, as I go on my way, have your way with me.”



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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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