
Honoring God with Money by Kayla Suehs

by | Nov 18, 2021 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

If you were asked to sit down and analyze your finances, what would be your reaction? Given the nature of the subject, most of us would rather eat our shirt for breakfast than spend twenty minutes crunching numbers. But in all reality, how we manage money says a lot about not only our financial life but our spiritual one.


The teachings of Jesus are no exception. He taught parables regarding money in approximately 40% of the Bible. And if his teachings on money were important enough to record in God’s word, I’m convinced they are absolutely important enough for us to understand and apply in our own lives.


Jesus is counter-cultural.

From flipping tables of money-changers, to offending religious leaders with his message, Jesus is no stranger to challenging cultural norms. His stance was often viewed as upside-down. And when it comes to money management, the same is true. We must approach financial matters differently than what we’re used to. Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”


When we notice and care for those the culture tends to reject, we are in fact lending to the Lord. He assures us our efforts are not wasted when we care for the least of those in society, and by doing so, He defies cultural standards. Matthew 25:40 says, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” Let’s make it our mission to rise above cultural norms that ignore the needy. What an opportunity it will be to represent Jesus’ love to others in this way.


Jesus wants our hearts.

It’s no secret that this world is polluted with things that will seek our affection. Idols are undoubtedly begging for our devotion at every turn. It’s inescapable! When it comes to finances, the posture of our hearts often needs repositioning. Our hearts are so easily deceived and attracted to the wrong things. We chase desires that conflict with God’s word. We sometimes use money to comfort ourselves rather than turning to God to do so. 1 Timothy 6:10 reminds us that “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” It’s true that some of us will leave the faith because of this. It’s happened before, and because of the fallen human condition, it will happen again. None of us is exempt.


So what’s a Christ-follower to do?? One practical remedy to live out this concept is to look eternally outward rather than impulsively inward. If my heart is in the right place, it’s much easier to serve Jesus financially. Open hands are more receptive than closed fists. We often need the reminder that obedient hearts glorify Christ. And where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Keep abiding in Jesus, and let your financial decisions be a reflection of an obedient heart.


Jesus wants us to steward the resources he’s given us.

Matthew 25: 24-30 illustrates a rather frightening picture of a servant who disobeys his master. When we acknowledge Jesus as Lord of our lives and Lord above all, it’s only fitting to recognize He’s also the rightful owner of our finances. Everything we have been given by his provision.


James 1:17 states, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” He owns the earth and everything in it, and all things were made through him and for him (Psalm 24:1). And because it’s all his, we are merely managers. Our responsibility is to steward what he’s given, whether it be time, talent, or treasure. We can faithfully represent Jesus when we chose to honor him with our money. 


About the Author:

Hi there! I’m Kayla, the budget nerd. I’m a busy mom and wife and a total nerd when it comes to spreadsheets and numbers. My financial journey began several years ago, in my early twenties. Payday would hit, and I’d watch my hard-earned money disappear. My life was a revolving door of constant payments, spending too much, and saving too little. I didn’t have a clue how to manage money! Until one day, a friend introduced me to the concept of financial freedom. My mindset shifted, and I realized I didn’t even pay attention to dollar amounts, let alone the fact I never knew how much was in the bank. Because of this change, I started taking finances seriously, and because of my friend’s encouragement, I’ve been hooked ever since. My ultimate goal is to honor God financially, using biblical principles to guide my money decisions. Those years of struggling felt impossible in the moment, but now, looking back, those experiences taught me (and my husband) so much about perseverance, grit, and consistency. It will not always be an easy road to follow, but it’s definitely proven to be worth it.


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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