
Big Hugs to the Momma of a Senior by Alicia Searl

by | Oct 17, 2024 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you, will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” – Philippians 1:6


As we head into yet another school year, I am reminded how “time is a thief” rings true. I will have a third grader, a sophomore, and… a senior this year. A senior! I can’t believe I am even typing these words. How did we get here?


Friend, let me tell you – Nobody prepares you for this season. No matter how many times you hear that the high school years will be a blip on the radar, I had no real understanding of how fast these years would fly by, let alone how excruciatingly difficult they would be. Nobody warned me how my momma’s heart would be pulled and stretched in ways I never thought imaginable. How I would want to freeze time yet beg for it to hurry up. How a tender moment could take my breath away, but a simple choice could shatter our family’s world into a million pieces. Oh, how I questioned my worth as a mom and began to doubt my parenting capabilities. 


Honestly, these past three years have been lonely and bittersweet. It’s been quite the journey. The high school years are not for the faint of heart! We have weathered our fair share of storms, and the waves have been rather choppy at best. The past three years have been humbling, from the friendship break-ups to the social media wars to the lack of communication and broken curfews. On the other hand, these years have also allowed for precious conversations to take place, exciting and new relationships to unfold, and future dreams to be laid out and gushed over, all in a casual way of saying this long and somewhat painful goodbye.


As I reflect on fond memories, reminisce on those whimsical days of footed pajamas and chocolate chip pancakes, and prepare my heart for a full year of “lasts,” I can’t help but wonder, how will we make it through this year? Is there some way to prepare?


You may also be stepping into this next school year with a senior, looking forward with excitement and a tinge of trepidation and fear! Your mind is swirling with how to help your teen figure out college applications, schedule senior pictures, or just find the time to spend with them in their busy lives! Oh, sweet sister, I feel the same sense of overwhelm. It’s a lot, isn’t it? 

Truthfully, as much as I wish I had the perfect words to console your heavy and weary heart, I can say that our God provides us with a precious promise that we can cling to this school year. Philippians 1:6 tells us that God continually works in us and through us. That means He will carry out what He has started in our children (and us) until completion. That means we are all a work in progress!


This year will be a wild ride; there is no doubt about it. But it will also be a year of growth and grace. As you watch your teen transform into an adult ready to conquer the world, keep in mind that God will also be growing and changing you!


Will you join me in allowing God to move in your life and see the beauty that unfolds as you let go of the “lasts” and embrace all the “firsts.” Whether that be the first time you let go and trust God with His plan or the first time you choose to extend grace to yourself and/or senior to promote peace and make way for restoration. Open your heart to receive those firsts. Sure, it may be messy and come with a few bumps and blunders, but it’s in those moments God gives us a glimpse of His love. We just need to lean in and trust Him. You’ve got this because He’s got you!


Big, big hugs, sweet momma!



About the Author:

Alicia Searl is a devotional author, blogger, and speaker passionate about pouring out her heart and pointing ladies of all ages back to Jesus. She has an education background and a master’s degree in literacy. The mountains feel like home, but at the moment, she lives in Texas with her husband and their three daughters.


Connect with Alicia:





I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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