
Overflowing: Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture with Carol McLeod

by | Jul 23, 2024 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

I want to live an abundant life. Do you? If you long to live a life overflowing with hope, peace, and joy, perhaps what your life needs is an intentional center. We all have one―that nucleus upon which we obtain our energy and discern our purpose. Perhaps until now, your center has been based on shopping, entertainment, or sports. Or maybe you are like many others and have centered your very existence upon your children, family, or career. What if those things you’ve placed at the center of your life will not bring you the abundance you desire? What if you need a true center?


Bible scholars through the ages have insisted that the book of Colossians is the most Christ-centered book in the entire Bible. If that is true, then we, as twenty-first-century believers, must choose to study this Jesus-centric epistle with enthusiasm and with intention. By the end of this deep dive into the sacred pages of Scripture, your life will shout to the world, “I am Christ-centered! He is my source, my joy, my all in all!”




In this episode, Rachael Adams interviews Carol McLeod about living abundantly in a broken culture. They discuss the importance of overflowing with joy, hope, and gratitude, and how to live an abundant life in the midst of dysfunction. They also explore the concept of loving difficult people and the necessity of relying on God’s power. Carol emphasizes the significance of studying the book of Colossians and how it provides a different perspective on the state of the world today. She encourages listeners to fill themselves with positive things and to be intentional about their relationship with God. The episode concludes with a prayer for overflowing love and empowerment by the Holy Spirit.




Living abundantly in a broken culture is possible by overflowing with joy, hope, and gratitude.

Loving difficult people requires relying on God’s strength and choosing to love them unconditionally.

Living an abundant life is not possible without the power of God.

Studying the book of Colossians provides a different perspective on the state of the world today.

Filling oneself with positive things and being intentional about the relationship with God is essential for overflowing with love and empowerment.




Rachael Adams (00:01.572)

Well, hello, Carol, and welcome back to the Love Offering Podcast. It’s always a pleasure to have you.


Carol McLeod (00:08.462)

Rachel, I have looked forward to our conversation for weeks. I just love you, I love your heart. I feel like you’re my little sister.


Rachael Adams (00:16.932)

Well, I feel like you are my big sister in Christ in so many ways and I just admire so much of what you do in your ministry. You are writing so much so quickly and so God I know is just speaking to you and speaking to us through you and so your latest release is titled Overflowing. So what are you overflowing with today?


Carol McLeod (00:40.43)

Great question Rachel. I am overflowing with the joy of his presence. I can’t live without Jesus I would only be half a person unless I really truly spent time with him I’m overflowing with hope we live in such a broken world, which of course is a lot of what the book Looks at addresses, but I’m overflowing with hope not because of our culture not really because of what we see happening in


religion or the church, but I’m overflowing with hope because of who he is and what he’s able to do. So thank you for asking. I’m overflowing with gratitude. That’s really what Colossians addresses is I have a heart overflowing with gratitude. So those are some of my overflows today.


Rachael Adams (01:32.004)

So your subtitle reads, living abundantly in a broken culture. And I mean, it’s no secret to any of us that our culture is broken. We just have to look at the headlines and see that and look around and see that wherever we are. So how is it possible to live an abundant life in the middle of the dysfunction that we are surrounded with?


Carol McLeod (01:37.39)



Carol McLeod (01:58.126)

Yeah, Rachel, one thing I realized in writing this book is that every generation who has served the unshakable kingdom of Jesus Christ has been invited to live an overflowing life in a broken culture, because there’s never been a culture that has not been broken. My goodness, think about the Crusades or the Black Plague or the Civil War or World War II, and the list goes on and on and on.


And so our generation is no different. We have been invited by the King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords to live this unimaginable, overflowing life in spite of the distress and really trauma of the culture. We’ve been summoned by the one who created us, by the one who knows our names. We’ve been invited by him.


as I said, to live a life of perpetual hope, of joy that’s uncontainable. And you know what, it’s gonna take us our whole lives to do it, to learn how to do it, to embrace it, to walk in it. But I’m all in and I’m determined that if there’s only one woman living an overflowing life in this culture we live in, let it be me, Lord, let it be me. So it is possible, but it’s not possible, Rachel, on our own strength.


with just a positive mindset, like thinking positive thoughts. Well, you better think positive thoughts, but that’s not the secret. The secret is a life wholly committed to a kingdom other than this world. So yes, yes, it’s possible. We can do it. Let’s do it.


Rachael Adams (03:38.916)

So I’d love to talk about what is an abundant life? You know, that seems maybe unachievable to some of us or what is your definition of abundant life? Because it says in scripture that that God has come, Jesus has come so we can have an abundant life and a life to the full. So what does that mean mean to you?


Carol McLeod (04:00.174)

Yeah, that’s John 10 10, I came to give you life. And I love looking at that verse in different translations, Rachel. I came to give you life overflowing. I came to give you life in its fullest measure. So the life that Christ


came to give us is not a life that’s constrained by this world. In another scripture the Bible says the kingdom of God is not meat or drink like it’s not tangible things that we touch but the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. So an abundant life is really a miraculous life Rachel. I like to boil it down to sort of three things. Joy,


hope and peace. Like those are the three things that if we all contain those things, if we all embrace those things on the inside of us, sister, we could make it through almost anything, couldn’t we? Joy, which is found in his presence. In his presence, there’s fullness of joy. Hope, that we serve a God of hope.


My definition of the word hope, Rachel, is believing that the goodness of God will intervene in my circumstances. And then he gives us the peace that passes understanding, like it has nothing to do with our mind, with what we see in the natural, but it has everything to do with relationship. Back to relationship again.


Rachael Adams (05:37.028)

Yeah, well on that topic of relationship, you talk about the God given assignment for each of us to love difficult people. I think if I asked every person listening, do you have a difficult person in your life that you are called to love? We could all nod our head and raise our hands. Maybe we’re the difficult people to love sometimes too, right Carol? So how can we love the difficult and different people in our lives as Christ would call us to?


Carol McLeod (05:45.006)



Carol McLeod (06:05.806)

Yeah, you know, most of us would have to raise both hands, both feet and everything else we could raise when it comes to having to love difficult people. But there’s no possible way, Rachel, you can do it on your own strength. It’s impossible in your own strength.


Rachael Adams (06:09.156)



Carol McLeod (06:20.558)

to truly love a difficult person from your heart. So to begin with, you’ve got to lean into 2 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 10 that says, when I’m weak, he’s strong. So I need Jesus to be strong in me. You know, Rachel, the problem with difficult people is we have allowed them to bring out the worst in us, right? When maybe that anger, frustration, bitterness, a critical spirit, gossip.




Carol McLeod (06:48.59)

But maybe the reason the Lord put that person in our lives is to bring out the Jesus in us. Like think about that for a minute. So we have to cry out for the Lord’s strength. I can’t do it, God. I need you. I’m weak. You’re strong. And then then we have to choose. It’s an act of our will. It’s not an emotion of the heart. Like if you’re waiting for your emotions to choose to love a difficult person, it’s not going to happen.


It’s an act of your will. You have to determine every day that since I’m Christ representative on earth, I’m commissioned to love everyone who’s been made in his image. So Rachel, when you find somebody who’s not been made in his image, then I guess you don’t have to love that person. But humanity has been made in his image. So I confess my weakness. I ask for his strength. And then I choose.


I determine that I will be a vessel of unconditional love. And Rachel, the truth is this, I’m the difficult person that Jesus chose to love. And so what he’s chosen to do for me, I can do no less.


Rachael Adams (08:05.284)

Wow, that is so powerful and so difficult to do, honestly, in our humanist. And so we have to have the Holy Spirit working in and through us. And you actually talk a lot about in your book about the power of God. So is it possible to live abundantly without his power? I would say the short answer is no, but I’m sure you have a little bit of a longer answer.


Carol McLeod (08:10.03)

Yeah. Yeah.


Carol McLeod (08:14.254)



Carol McLeod (08:28.302)

Yeah, the short the only answer is no. You will always be frustrated. You’ll always be in emotional pain. You won’t walk through trauma well. You’ll always have it’s like Rachel, it’s like going through life without an arm or a leg to try to walk through life without the power of God. And the good news is this. God wants to give you his power more than you want it. He’s just waiting to


Rachael Adams (08:31.3)



Carol McLeod (08:57.998)

pour on the power. This is what it says. I want to share with you a Bible verse from Colossians, which, of course, the book overflowing is based on the book of Colossians. Paul writes to the church at Colossi, a broken church, a half -hearted church, a weak church, a diminishing church. He says to them, strengthened with all power. Okay, let’s stop right there, Rachel. Let’s look at those four words, strengthened with all power.


The word that sticks out at me is the word all. So Paul is praying that the power that it took to close the mouths of the lions for Daniel would be the power that they would be invaded with. Paul’s talking about the power that split the Red Sea would be the power that they would experience. Paul’s saying, you know that power that kept Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego safe in the fiery furnace? That same


power can be yours. And Paul says, I’m praying that you would be strengthened with all power according to his glorious might. God has the power, Rachel. We just have to go to him and ask for it. When we’re weak, we have to say, God, I need your power. When we don’t like our circumstances, God, I need your power. When we’re half -hearted, when we’re lackadaisical, when we’re lukewarm,


We have to say, God, pour on the power. I always love to tell a story on a podcast and I tell a story in my book about power. I was saying goodbye to my grandson several years ago. He was four years old, lived a thousand miles away from me and we just adored each other. We’d spend a week together going to Panera, eating muffins, reading books, buying Legos, you know, all the things that grandmothers do.


And we were at the airport and I was having to leave him and he had his little arms just wrapped in a death grip around my leg. And I said, well, Ian, buddy, it’s time for Marmee to go now. And I looked at his little face. I knelt down beside him. I said, Ian, go change the world. And he looked at me out of his shock of blonde hair and freckles dancing across his nose. And he said, Marmee, I can’t do that. I don’t have superpowers. And I said,


Carol McLeod (11:25.742)

yes buddy, you do. You have superpowers. You have the power of the Holy Spirit. So Rachel, for those who are listening today who’s saying, Carol, I can’t do it. I can’t live like that. yes, you can. Yes, you can. Call out to God for the power that you need. He’ll give you, single moms, he’ll give you the power to do another science project, to pay the bills. Widows, he will give you the power.


to make it through another lonely night. Single women, he’ll give you the power to go to somebody else’s wedding and look for Lauren Lee at what’s happening around you. Women who are battling cancer, God will give you the power to tramp through that and to get to the other side of it. Whatever you need power for, he can give it to you. That’s abundant life.


Rachael Adams (12:25.54)

Well, I’m just thinking about all throughout history, because you mentioned that at the very beginning of the episode, how we’ve always been in a broken culture, and people have always had to show up with the power of God to make a difference and change the world in that culture. And so there is no difference in what we’re supposed to and called to do today. And so what is God’s specific will for Christians who are living at a challenging moment in history, which we are right now?


Carol McLeod (12:35.63)



Carol McLeod (12:40.878)



Carol McLeod (12:53.486)

Yeah, you know, I love that question, Rachel, because so many people say, well, if I just knew God’s will, I would do it. If God would just show me what to do, I would do it. Well, you know what? He has shown you what to do. It’s in the word of God. So let me give you, Rachel, some specific examples of what the will of God is for your life or for anyone’s life who’s listening. God’s will for your life is to sing through sorrow.


Listen, none of us is immune to sorrow. We’re all gonna go through hard stuff. And God’s will for your life is to sing your way through it, is to lift your hands in the air and worship the Lord. Now there might be tears dripping down your cheeks, but sing anyway. God’s will for your life.


is to praise the Lord rather than whine. That’s His will. The Lord’s will for your life is to love a difficult person and to listen to them and not demand your own way. God’s will for your life is to encourage and give a good report and not gossip. God’s will for your life is to volunteer at church to give up your time to the unshakable kingdom of God.


God’s will for your life is to be a generous giver at this moment in history. God’s will for your life is to treasure scripture, is to read the word of God. God’s will for your life is to encourage your pastor. God’s will for your life is to slip a single mom a $20 bill. God’s will for your life is to take a widow out to lunch. We make God’s will out to be this huge, booming voice when really it’s just putting the next


foot in front of the other and carrying on for the kingdom of God.


Rachael Adams (14:43.62)

Wow, you know, it sounds so simple, but I think it’s one of the biggest things God is going to use every ounce of everything that we do. And sometimes we won’t always see the fruit of what we’re doing. But we know that He will use it in ways beyond what we can even fathom. And I think one day in eternity, we’ll see that. And I think that’s what’s so special about Scripture. We can see how God worked through the small acts of the people.


in the Bible. And so you mentioned that you’re focused mostly on Colossians through this book. So how is studying the book of Colossians giving you a different perspective on the state of even our world today?


Carol McLeod (15:23.982)

Yeah, I’m going to go there in a minute. But first I want to say what I want to reply to what you just commented on about. It’s simple. Rachel, one time I read this great devotional about the little things in life and how the little things really are the big things. And I and I think it’s a message worth talking about that don’t make Christianity out to be rocket science because it’s not right. It’s just living a life in connection.


Rachael Adams (15:34.244)

Mm -hmm.


Carol McLeod (15:50.67)

with the father. So anyway, just had to give that plug in for you. But so yes, the book of Colossians, you know, really, I was so distressed, Rachel, about the state of the world, like who’s not distressed about our culture, about politics, about the media, about the entertainment world, it’s sickening, it’s vile. And now, unfortunately, it has melted into the church, right?


Rachael Adams (15:54.564)

That was sweet, thank you.


Carol McLeod (16:19.726)

We just see so much compromise and not holding firm to the eternal truth of scripture and being distressed about it. I was reading in Colossians and I realized that Paul wrote to a church that was going through the same thing the church is going through today. So I rolled up my sleeves and I dug in and I studied this valuable book in scripture.


And the truths that are there, Rachel, have so much great impact for our lives today. I’m telling you, reading Colossians, and I think using overflowing as a study guide to go along with it is gonna change the way your listeners look at these troubling times, look at the demise of Christianity in our culture. Listen, God has always had a church. God has always had a people.


and we are his people today and we must live wholeheartedly for him.


Rachael Adams (17:25.732)

Absolutely. I know that’s my heart’s desire as well. And I think sometimes we get caught up in our day to day activity and it becomes routine and mundane and we forget about the eternal impact that we may have with our decisions and our behaviors. And I’m just mindful and I’m even this way on many days. Like some days I’m like, Lord, I don’t have anything to give. I feel very empty. I feel very powerless. I feel very weak.


Carol McLeod (17:33.006)

Mm -hmm.


Rachael Adams (17:50.5)

And so for maybe the woman that is feeling that way today, how would you encourage her that she can even overflow as well?


Carol McLeod (17:58.798)

Yeah, well Rachel as you know I have battled depression most of my adult life so I have some practical tips for that woman that you have just described because depression still knocks on the door of my heart but now I know how to answer the door. I’ve got some practical application. First of all, read your Bible.


Read your Bible. Even when you don’t understand it, read your Bible. Even when you don’t think you’ve got time for it, read your Bible. Read it on your phone if that’s easy for you. I love holding it in my hands. I listen to it on my daily walk. The Word of God will encourage you.


in ways that nothing else can. The second thing is, Rachel, listen to worship music. Listen while you’re in the shower. Listen while you’re fixing dinner. Listen while you’re ironing. Does anybody iron anymore? Listen while you’re in the car. But listen to worship music and let your heart explode with praises to God. Another thing is, Rachel, go for a walk.


Carol McLeod (19:01.23)

Like go for a walk in God’s creation and breathe it in and listen for birds and look at flowers and get out of your four walls. Now, the fourth thing is this, do something kind for somebody else.


You know, social scientists talk about our endorphins. Our endorphins are an emotion that actually battles depression. And Rachel, did you know that when you smile at a stranger, your endorphin levels rise? It’s true. Like when you do something kind for somebody, chat with a young mom at the grocery store. Give your pastor a gift card to take his family to the movies and out to dinner.


send a note to a missionary. When you do those things, your endorphin levels rise and you are better able to fight depression. So volunteer in the church nursery, take your neighbor some flowers, do something kind for somebody else and you’ll be surprised how it changes your life.


Rachael Adams (20:11.524)

Yeah, absolutely. And I think oftentimes what you were talking about, like, what are you filling yourself up with? Are you filling yourself up with negative technology, negative news, negative people’s criticisms? And, you know, what is filling your heart? Or are you filling yourself up with those positive things that you were just talking about? Scripture and worship and people and love. And then then you are overflowing with what is in your heart. Out of your heart, your mouth speaks, right?


Carol McLeod (20:18.702)



Rachael Adams (20:39.652)

And so there is so much of that. We’ve got to be intentional with what we’re filling ourselves up with. And then praying, like you said, being intentional, say, Lord, you feel me, you know, it isn’t all up to us. And I think there’s such freedom in that to know that it isn’t all up to us that God is working in and through us. And I know you’ve talked, you know, you’re you’re always so strong biblically and focused so much on on your faith. And so one of the questions that I’ve been asking all of my guests as we close


Carol McLeod (20:39.79)

Yes, yes.


Rachael Adams (21:09.284)

the episode is, is there a biblical concept of love that applies to this topic? You know, you talked about joy and peace and hope, and that it also talks about how the greatest of all of these characteristics are love. And so I don’t want to put words into your mouth, but what does love have to do with, with all of this?


Carol McLeod (21:28.206)

Well, you know, we love is at the very foundation of our faith. We love because he first loved us. If I didn’t experience the love of the father.


Rachel, I would never know how to love anybody, even people I like. I would be unable to love. And so the only way I can be a vessel of God’s love is to experience his love, is to spend time under the shower of his love, spend time in his presence.


so I have something to draw from so I can give the Holy Spirit something to work with in my life. And you know in the book Overflowing, Living Abundantly in a Broken Culture, I do talk about the challenge of loving difficult people because Rachel I do believe that’s God’s will for our lives. I believe that’s part of our assignment at our tenure on planet earth.


You know, even Jesus had difficult people. He had Judas who betrayed him. He had Peter who talked too much and just sort of spouted his opinions. He had Matthew, the tax collector. So if Jesus had difficult people to love, we’re gonna have those same people in our lives. And I can’t do it unless I spend time with him. I think that Rachel, when it comes to love, we have to remind ourselves daily that love is


Rachael Adams (22:57.764)



Carol McLeod (23:01.358)

not primarily an emotion, but it’s a fruit of the spirit and it’s a choice, right? And so the only way I’ll grow love is by hanging out with the gardener. And the only way I’ll truly love is to choose it even when I don’t feel like it.


Rachael Adams (23:24.516)

Yes. Yeah, absolutely. And just goes back to the greatest commandment. Love the Lord God with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourself. And so another question I have been asking all of my guests is what is something you are loving right now? It can be a person, a product, a scripture, a song, anything. Anything that comes to your mind. What’s something you’re loving right now?


Carol McLeod (23:29.454)



Carol McLeod (23:34.606)



Carol McLeod (23:50.19)

Rachel, you know me, I just love life. I love every day of this glorious redeemed life that the Father has given to me. But you’re asking me what one thing do I love right now? Okay, I love my grandchildren. I love, I have 10 grandchildren, Rachel, and I could eat them alive.


Carol McLeod (24:11.47)

I am just, you know, probably obsessed with them. I love them each so much. So I’ll tell you a story about one of my granddaughters, Haven. She’s three and a half years old and I get to spend a lot of time with her and she’s highly emotional, very opinionated and expresses herself very well. And so ever since she was about four months old, Rachel, I would say to her, Haven, all is well, all is well, to try to get her to calm down. And so now we’ve been through, you know, the ones and the teachable twos and now we’re in the threes and through the entire journey, I’ve said, Haven, all is well, all is well. When she’s been overly


expressive or overly emotive Haven all as well as well So the other day I had to help her do something she did not want to do and she had her arms in a death grip around my neck and she didn’t want to do it and I was I said baby girl you’re gonna be fine you can do this you got this and she drew back and she looked at me and she said is all well Marmee is all well and I said yes baby girl all is well so so Rachel I’m loving grandchildren. Thank you for asking


Rachael Adams (26:27.113)





Rachael Adams (26:35.433)

gosh, you know, I just think about the wisdom that you are passing and how you’re filling up your children and your grandchildren so that they may overflow. And this is so beautiful to think about. And today’s been encouraging and a good challenge for me in a good way. And I pray the same for every woman listening. And so I would be honored if you would just pray for us that we would overflow in this broken world and love difficult people.


And then also I’m just mindful of the woman there right now that maybe isn’t a believer and doesn’t have the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through her. And today may be the day that she could receive that power. Because I think even for those, you know, sometimes that’s even a little bit of Christian ease. If you’re not familiar or maybe a new believer, you’re like, what are they even talking about? The power of the Holy Spirit, what is this? So I just would love for you just to pray over each woman listening as the Lord lays her on your heart.


Carol McLeod (27:28.142)

I would love to thank you Rachel. Lord Jesus we love you so much and we say yes to you today. We say yes to your will, yes to your word and yes to your ways. And Lord I pray for every woman listening today. Father if there’s a woman listening who has never received you as her Lord and Savior. Father I just pray that she would say yes to you. That she would


ask forgiveness for her sins and invite you to come into her heart. And Lord, as a collective group of women, we also say yes to the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, when you were leaving earth to go back to heaven, you said that you were gonna leave us the Holy Spirit, that we weren’t gonna be alone, but that you were gonna give us the Holy Spirit to comfort us, to teach us.


and to empower us. So Holy Spirit, I ask you to empower every woman listening today. Holy Spirit, I ask that you would fill her from the top of her head to the tip of her toes. Holy Spirit, thank you for helping us to know Jesus. Holy Spirit, thank you for helping us to set our gaze on Father God. Father, we love you so much. Thank you, Father, for your word.


In Jesus name I pray, amen. Amen. I love you, Rachel. Thank you.


Rachael Adams (28:57.04)

Amen. Amen. Well, Carol, thank you so much for your time. I love you too. And I want to stay connected with you. I’m sure listeners are going to want to. So tell us how we can best do that and get a copy of Overflowing.


Carol McLeod (29:08.45)

Sure, yes. So my website is carolmccloudministries .com and I’m sure Rachel will put the, how you spell that in the show notes. And you can find me on Facebook, Carol McLeod Bible teacher and author on Instagram, Carol McLeod. I also have an app, Rachel, for the smartphone, which is just go to the little app store on your smartphone and do a search for Carol McLeod Ministries. It’ll pop right up. It’s just an easy way to stay in touch.


You can leave a prayer request. You can read a devotional, join a Bible study. It’s all right there. And my new book, Overflowing, is available on the website on Amazon, christianbook .com, really wherever books are sold.


Rachael Adams (29:55.785)

Well, thank you for your time today. My heart is overflowing and I pray that it overflows with the love and joy and peace and hope of Christ today and the same for each one of them listening. Thank you so much.


Carol McLeod (30:07.374)

Thank you, Rachel. Bless you, my friend.


Connect with Carol:

Carol McLeod Ministries


I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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