
Living Love Offerings by Cassie Cooper

by | Dec 16, 2021 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

As I sit in my chair with my morning coffee and ask the Lord what to write about, I start to feel a little overwhelmed.


“Lord,” I pray, “I just feel weary and spent. I don’t know what to write about; I don’t know what I have to give right now.”


I wait. I start to wonder if I should come back later when I’ve had a little more sleep and maybe something more to offer. But as I’m about to set my computer aside, I feel the Lord nudge me. His still, small voice speaks to my heart: “No, write now. Write out of that place of weariness and emptiness because it’s not about you, it’s about Me. If you wait until you feel you have something to give, you will be so focused on giving your words. If you write when you have nothing to give, My words can better shine through.” 


So here I sit feeling a little depleted.


With the state of our world right now, I’m sure you can relate. And regardless of how we’re feeling from one minute to the next, the demands just keep coming. Sometimes I want to be selfish and say no! When I’m tired and worn, it’s not easy to choose the loving route. Often, I find we’re left feeling like we’re being asked to give something we simply don’t have. Oh, but my friends, that is the key. If we only choose the loving route when we feel like we have something to give … well, it would be our love and not the Father’s, wouldn’t it? 


When I’m faced with the choice to love people when I have nothing left to give, I have two options. I can do it my own way, or I can ask the Lord to give me His love for that person. I’ve tried both. And I can honestly attest that when I’ve gone the first route, I’ve either damaged or lost those relationships. But when I’ve asked the Lord to fill me with His love, I’ve seen Him bring healing and restoration.


Scripture says God is love (1 John 4:16). When we ask the Lord to make us into an offering of His love, I believe it’s an even deeper form of love than we could give on our own. It’s a supernatural love uninhibited by our own thoughts or desires that flows through us. And it’s a love that changes hearts, beginning with our own. 



Asking the Lord to make us into a love offering is really that simple but not always easy. In the moments when I struggle most, I cling to promises like 1 John 4:7, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God” (NIV) and Romans 8:26, “the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (NIV). I believe the purest love we can ever give is when we offer ourselves as a conduit of the Father’s love.


My friends, I know life can leave us feeling worn. But when we stop trying to give out of our limited resources and open ourselves up to what the Father longs to give through us, we become living love offerings.


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About the Author:

Cassie lives in Fort Worth, Texas, but she’s a Colorado girl at heart. She’s the author of The Simplest Thing… and has a passion for writing and speaking with a message of helping others find hope by embracing simplicity and resting in relationship with the Father. She’s on staff at Gateway Church and partners with Exhale Women’s Ministry as a contributing author and one of the co-hosts of the Exhale Podcast. After her love for Jesus, spending time with family and friends, a good cup of coffee, and authentic street tacos rank high on her priority list.


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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