
God Is Creative by Julie Sunne 

by | Jun 27, 2024 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day. (Gen. 1:31, CSB)


Although she assured me she liked it in the home in which she now resided, I could see it. I saw it in the way tears welled up as we visited. I saw it in her faraway look as she talked about the past. This dear old friend grieved the passing of the years. She missed the house she called home for so long. She missed attending church. She missed hanging with family and friends. She missed her independence.


During the decades that defined her life, my friend’s time and talents were appreciated. Others needed her. They needed what she had to offer. Now, she rarely leaves her building and only sees those who seek her out. Her purpose is less evident, but no less prevalent.

When health issues, age, or some other circumstance prevent us from being active and helpful, we can feel lost and worthless. Thankfully, what we do and are capable of doing doesn’t define our worth; God does. And humans have immense worth because we are made in God’s image. 


God, as Creator, made the heavens and earth and all that dwell in them. Then He went a step further and created a being to rule over the other created beings. And He chose to make this creation in His image! Yes, you and I are made in the image of God, and as God’s image-bearers, we resemble Him in spirit. This means we reflect His character as we engage and interact in life. So, when we make a good choice, we reflect His holiness. When we reason, we reflect His intellect. When we socialize, we reflect His triune nature and love. 

Of course, this reflection is imperfect, marred by sin. Nonetheless, what we say and do has profound purpose in reflecting the Lord to others. Even if all we can do is smile, that smile demonstrates God’s love and kindness. 


I’ve seen how damaging feeling purposeless can be. If left unchecked, it creates doubt as to our very worth. But we have evidence of our immense value: We have the ability to think and plan, choose freely, and fellowship with others. These very traits scream worth as an imago dei, a valued being, created to reflect the Creator. As a potter forms a vessel for his use, so God formed man for His purpose. Therefore, when circumstances blind us to our worth, we need to remind ourselves that, as God’s image-bearers, formed with His loving hands for His use, we have purpose as long as we have breath.


Sometimes I forget, Lord, that You are creative, purposely and wondrously making all that exists, including me. And sometimes I forget that You chose to create man in Your image to give You glory as we reflect You mentally, morally, and socially. And although sin has marred the image, every time I reason, make a good choice, or engage in fellowship, I still reflect You, however imperfect the reflection. But sometimes, Lord, I feel worthless and rudderless. Please remind me that You set me apart, creating me on purpose for a purpose. Help me remember that, as Your child, I have immense worth, that my life on earth has great value. And remind me that the purpose You’ve endowed me with remains until I breathe my last.



God created me in His image, giving me purpose as long as I have breath.


(Excerpt from Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days by Julie Sunne; published by B&H Publishing Group, May 7, 2024)


About the Author

Julie Sunne writes about finding real hope amid life’s real struggles. Her own struggles include enduring multiple miscarriages and now caregiving for her adult daughter who has significant intellectual disabilities. Julie is the author of Everyday Praise: Walking in Greater Peace (2016) and Sometimes I Forget: 60 Reminders of Hope for Your Hard Days (releasing May 7, 2024, by B&H Publishing). Her writing has also been featured in print devotionals by Proverbs 31 Ministries and Guideposts; Celebrate Life magazine; Proverbs 31 Ministries’ Encouragement for Today email devotions; several online sites; and on her blog at www.juliesunne.com. Julie enjoys homemade Chai tea lattes, dark chocolate, playing board and card games, and doing almost anything outside. She and her husband, David, are parents to three grown sons and a daughter, and reside with their daughter in rural northeast Iowa.


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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