
Give What You Got, Even if it’s Not A Lot! By Tabitha Deller

by | Dec 9, 2021 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

So many of us are plagued by the “I’m nots” and paralyzed by the “I can’ts,” and as long as we maintain a perspective focused only on our natural ability, we limit the potential we have based on God’s supernatural ability. The truth is, we are not enough. We never will be. We will never be smart enough, skinny enough, young enough, old enough, mature enough, relatable enough,… you get the picture… this lists of “not enoughs” is more than enough to keep us focused on our own stuff.


But when we take our eyes off ourselves, and place them on Jesus, only then can we see that it is Christ in us who enables and equips us to…


Give what we’ve got, even if it’s not a lot!


We’re all weary and worn out. We live messy and mediocre lives. Our words and our deeds will always fall short, but His Word never returns void and His ways are higher than ours. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the Glory of God alone. Christ in us enables us to minister to those around us. We simply need to be willing to be used by Him. Our availability offers a space for His supernatural ability to take place.


You, sweet friend, have something to offer. It is nothing you can manipulate or fabricate. It is something your ongoing, daily relationship with God will not only create, but continually cultivate. When you connect with Him first, you connect with others best.



When you give Him what you got, He will make it a lot!


Don’t buy into the lies of the enemy and believe that it is all about you and what you can or can’t do. He’ll either tell you “You’re not ___________.” or “You can’t ___________.” or “You are this.” or “You’re not that.” Your love offering to this hurting world has nothing to do with your inability or your ability, but it has everything to do with His Sovereignty to work in and through your availability.


We live in a world in desperate need of a savior. People are hurting, lost, lonely, and afraid. The lies of the god of this world, Satan himself, offer no hope of healing to the hurting, no lifeline or rescue for the lost, no friend or family for the lonely, and no freedom from fear through faith.


But God, the Father of Light, speaks life into those dark and dead places, and He wants to use you and me to be His hands and feet to carry His truth, His love, and His grace through our faith in Him. His truth offers healing to those who are hurting. His love finds the lost. His grace comforts the lonely, and our faith triumphs over fear. So, be available, because He is more than able to…


Take what you got, and make it a lot!


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About the Author:

Tabitha is a wife, mom, teacher, and author. She resides in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania with her husband, Steve. They have four sons, Joshua, Caleb, Nathan, and Isaac. She loves words — written or spoken and is passionate about God’s Word and the life-changing truths found in it. She loves reading it, studying it, writing about it, and challenging others to do the same. She has authored and taught Bible Studies for large groups, small groups, and online groups. Tabitha also loves encouraging ladies of all ages and life stages through speaking at conferences, events, and retreats. 


You can find out more about Tabitha, her studies, and her schedule on her website: www.tabithadeller.com. Both her Bible studies, CALLED and BRAVE have FREE accompanying teaching videos (also available on the website).


Called is a 10-week study. Brave is a 7-week study. Both are perfect for large or small groups or individual study. Tabitha would love to connect with you! Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have.


{And for a further peek into Tabitha’s heart, check out her blog (on her website), too!}


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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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