The Love Offering Podcast Show Notes
Show Notes S6E31: Momma Moments with God with Sharon Jaynes 

Show Notes S6E31: Momma Moments with God with Sharon Jaynes 

From middle-of-the-night newborn hours to the tumultuous teen years, mothering is a rewarding but sometimes lonely calling. In this episode, Sharon Jaynes discusses the joys and challenges of motherhood and offers encouragement and wisdom for moms. She shares her journey as a mother and emphasizes the importance of relying on God’s guidance and grace.

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Show Notes S6E30: Habits for a Sacred Home with Jennifer Pepito

Show Notes S6E30: Habits for a Sacred Home with Jennifer Pepito

In a world as chaotic as it is right now, it can feel downright difficult to be raising kids. Our culture has come unhinged from Christian moorings and timeless values. But Jennifer Pepito wants you to know there is hope. A mom of seven and a mentor to mothers around the world, Jennifer is on the show helping you establish nine restorative habits and practices in your home to foster peace, simplicity, and stability during turbulent times. Leaning on the practices of historic Christians–like Saint Benedict and Amy Carmichael–this book guides you toward habits of work, prayer, hospitality, and more to create the sacred home you long for.

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Show Notes S6E29: Choosing to Thrive in the Midst of Life’s Challenges with Lindsay Roberts

Show Notes S6E29: Choosing to Thrive in the Midst of Life’s Challenges with Lindsay Roberts

Do you ever feel like your dreams are on the cutting room floor and your hopes are going down the drain? Have circumstances made you feel powerless or un­able to move forward? In Discover Your True Strength, Lindsay Roberts shares examples of powerful women who applied their faith and found their true strength by trusting in God’s Word. She uses three key strength-building Scriptures and her own life experiences to show how you can have the courage and determination to over­come life’s obstacles and find your vision for the future.

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Show Notes S6E27: Knowing and Loving God with Mary C. Wiley

Show Notes S6E27: Knowing and Loving God with Mary C. Wiley

When peace seems far from us and when true rest doesn’t come, we don’t need more to-dos on our list or a set of step-by-step instructions to help us get there on our own. True peace, hope, and rest only comes by spending time in the presence of God. Spend 90 days in His Word focused on who God is and what He is like and find that He is worthy to be trusted at every twist or turn of life. He is better than our minds can imagine, in control of all things, and infinitely good.

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Show Notes S6E27: Become a Woman of Unshakable Faith with Toni Collier

Show Notes S6E27: Become a Woman of Unshakable Faith with Toni Collier

What is a woman of moxie? She’s a dynamic, resolute woman of resilient faithfulness, unshakable confidence, and trust. Toni Collier is on the show sharing about her cross-country trip to meet with new friends who all experienced setbacks, opposition, suffering, and hardships and come out the other side closer to Jesus with strength and courage, or Unshakable Moxie. Join us to discover how to turn the painful things in our lives into gold. 

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