
Blog Series: Surprised by the Impact of a Simple Song by Carina Alanson

by | Mar 25, 2021 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

Carina Alanson

As I listened to a message from a friend, my heart grew heavy. I could feel the sadness in her words as she talked about a difficult situation she was walking through, and though I knew I couldn’t make her pain go away, I longed to offer comfort. So, doing the best I could, I replied and let her know I was thinking of her and praying for her. 

After leaving my message, I shut down my computer and got up from my couch, where I had been working. A long, busy day was coming to a close, and I wanted nothing more than to stretch my body and get some fresh air before diving into the rest of the evening. A quick ski on the cross-country trails near my home was just what I needed.

I was about to start gathering my gear when a song started running through my head. Maybe this song would encourage my friend, I thought. Maybe I should send it to her…

I stood in my living room, deciding what to do. I had already started mentally and physically moving on to the next thing—skiing. I didn’t feel like taking the time to find the link to the song and send another message. Besides, did it really matter if I sent it? Would it actually make a difference?

Despite my questions, I couldn’t ignore the stirring in my heart that seemed to be telling me to share the song. So I took a step of faith, pulled up the link for the song, and sent it. That done, I headed out to ski.

Two days later, I received a heartfelt message from my friend telling me what a comfort the song had been. In fact, it had touched her so deeply, she had printed out the lyrics to serve as an encouraging reminder in the midst of a very hard season.

God often speaks to us in a “still, small voice” (1 Kings 19:12 NKJV), and His small voice sometimes asks us to do small things—things that are so small, we’re tempted to disregard them. I almost didn’t send that song to my friend, not only because I was in a hurry to get on to the next thing on my agenda, but because it was such a small thing, I wasn’t sure it would have a meaningful impact.

But God knows that what seems insignificant to us can mean the world to someone else. I’m so thankful I followed the prompting to share the song with my friend, and I’m thankful for the reminder to take those promptings seriously, no matter how simple or silly they may seem.

Have you felt God speaking to your heart recently? When you hear that quiet whisper nudging you to write a note, say a kind word, or lend a helping hand, trust that God is at work and that, through you, He can provide just what someone needs!

About Carina:

Carina Alanson spent seven years in the mental health field before leaving her counseling career to pursue God’s calling to become a writer. Now also an editor and coach, she is passionate about helping women live with purpose, grow closer to God, and enjoy everyday life. She lives in the sub-arctic town of Fairbanks, Alaska, where she enjoys scenic drives with her husband, snowshoeing in the woods, and reading by the fire. Connect with Carina at carinaalanson.com, on Instagram @carinaalanson, or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/carinaalanson

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I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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