
Four Biblical Kids Who Your Kids Will Love by Caroline Saunders

by | Sep 12, 2024 | The Love Offering Guest Blog Series

Did you know that the Bible is full of kids? In a world where people tend to look down upon kids, it’s exciting for our kids (and for grownups who still feel a lot like kids) to realize how much God loves kids. In fact, God loves to use small people to accomplish His big plan—so much so that God Himself came as a kid to make the way for anyone who looks to Him to become a child of God.


Here are four biblical kids who your kids will love (and who will encourage you to follow God with childlike faith):


  1. The Good News Girl (2 Kings 5)


When Israel was invaded by another nation, many people were captured, including a young girl. This must have been scary, but this little girl carried all she knew about God into the unknown land. She became a servant in the home of a man named Naaman, who had a terrible skin disease. In faith, the little girl told Naaman’s wife some good news: God could heal Naaman if he went to see God’s prophet, Elisha. When Naaman followed Elisha’s strange instructions to wash in the Jordan River seven times, Naaman’s skin was made perfect! The Good News Girl points us to the good news of Jesus, who washes us clean of our sin. Kids who share the good news are part of God’s special plan to bless the whole world!


  1. Joash (2 Chron. 22-24)


As a baby born to the royal family, Joash’s life was in danger when an evil ruler tried to kill everyone who might become king. A nurse snuck baby Joash away, and he was raised by a priest who taught him all about God. When Joash was only seven years old, the priest decided it was time for Joash to become king and for the evil ruler to step aside. Can you imagine becoming king at only seven years old? Joash became a wise and wonderful ruler who helped people follow God. However, as a grownup, Joash seemed to forget that God’s way is best, and He didn’t follow God as closely. Even still, his story points to another kid who was born to be king, Jesus, who would follow God always. He is the king we really need!


  1. John the Baptist (Luke 1)


Jesus’s mother, Mary, had a cousin named Elizabeth, who everyone thought was much too old to have a baby. But nothing is impossible with God! Before her baby, John, was even born, God said he’d created John for a very special reason: To tell everyone that Jesus was coming. When pregnant Mary came to visit pregnant Elizabeth, John jumped up and down—even though he was still in his mother’s womb. It didn’t matter that John wasn’t born yet—he was already a messenger who was excited to tell everyone that Jesus was coming!


  1. Jesus


Even though God has all power, He came to earth as a vulnerable baby who had to depend on His parents for everything. Even though God has all glory, He was born into a regular family in humble circumstances. God knows all about being a kid because He Himself was a kid! As a grownup, Jesus showed how much He loved kids, saying, “Let the little children come to me” (Matt. 19:14), and He died on the cross so that any kid who looked to Him could be forgiven of his or her sin and be welcomed into God’s family. God loves kids, God understands kids, and God became a kid so that any kid who trusts Him can be part of God’s family forever.



About the Author:

Caroline Saunders is a writer, Bible teacher, pastor’s wife, and mother of three who believes in taking Jesus seriously and being un-serious about nearly everything else. She’s had the joy of publishing two Bible studies for teen girls (Good News: How to Know the Gospel and Live It and Better Than Life: How to Study the Bible and Like It, LifeWay Girls), two picture books for kids ages 4-8 (The Story of Water and The Story of Home, B&H Kids), and two retellings of selected books of the Bible for elementary readers (Sound the Alarm and Remarkable, Kaleidoscope). Find her writing, resources, and ridiculousness at WriterCaroline.com, on Instagram @writercaroline, and on TikTok @writercarolinesaunders. (And finally, let it be known that Caroline’s kids said, “Mom can make a joke out of anything,” and so she ran and added that to her bio.)


Connect with Caroline:






I’m Rachael Adams

I’m an author, speaker, and host of The Love Offering Podcast. My mission is to help women find significance and purpose throught Christ.

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