S5E25 Show Notes: A Little Story Goes a Long Way with Trillia Newbell

S5E25 Show Notes: A Little Story Goes a Long Way with Trillia Newbell

God’s Word is the greatest story ever told—and it’s true! But reading it can feel complicated and daunting. It can be hard to know how—or where—to start. Perhaps you just need a friend who follows Jesus to help. Trillia Newbell is on the show today sharing a joy-filled, thoughtful, and realistic pathway through the entirety of God’s Word. 

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S3E18 Show Notes: Parenting On Purpose With Amy Carney

We have an over-parenting epidemic in this country. We want to give our children “the best,” but without realizing it, we’re giving too much. Buying too much. Doing too much. Yet we aren’t doing enough of the little things that are most important when it comes to equipping our kids to become capable, confident, and compassionate adults. Amy Carney is on a mission to help moms and dads reclaim leadership, make the tough decisions, and parent today with tomorrow in mind. Tune in to glean wisdom on how to raise your kids without regret. 

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“Follow me, I know the way!” 

“The park closes in ten minutes,” the loudspeaker boomed. We’d ridden everything we wanted except for one last rollercoaster. With a knowing nod, my son and I started the gauntlet from one end of the park to the other. “Follow me, I know the way!” I yelled as I strategically zig-zagged through the crowd, my bag bouncing upon my back. Sweat dripping from our foreheads and gasping for breath, we reached our destination with only a couple of minutes to spare. 

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S3E4 Podcast Show Notes Featuring Heather Creekmore

Ever wonder why it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others? Or, why is it so difficult to stop? In an era of carefully curated social media images, non-stop selfies, and channels devoted to perfecting everything from your home to your dinner plate, comparison consumes us! And always chasing better becomes a burden! It weighs down our souls and prevents us from experiencing satisfaction or rest. Heather Creekmore is on the show today sharing her personal battle with weight, appearance, and comparison. Tune in to lift the weight of your burden of better and comparison. 

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